>I am forgotten
What went wrong?

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Isn't it obvious you fucking retard? 343

Soon they'll go back to MS because they can't do anything without strong leadership telling them to finish their games.

>Release a shit game in 2014.
>Most people hate but still have enough fans and autist who'll tolerate this shit
>Release a shit game in 2017
>Anger the fans and autist who tolerated your bullshit back since 2014
>Game struggles to stay alive due to shitty content
>Not even Activision wants to deal with Bungo's autism.
>Ditches them
>Still can't make a game worth playing despite being over 100GB and having creative freedom
Perhaps staying with MS would've been the best thing for them.

> Leaves MS to NOT make more great Halo games
> Makes a shittier Halo clone

>Consistently in top 5 most played game on Steam and consoles.

They should have went back to Daddy Microsoft. That's what happens when you're a fucking faggot rebellious teenager. Sit down, faggot.

Destiny 2 is one of my favorite games of this generations.

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i wouldn't say "forgotten" necessarily, destiny is still plenty popular these days. it's more that they're stuck making a loot shooter service game until the end of time unless they decide to do something different

>What went wrong?

They signed a deal with Activision and crapped out an online-only treadmill for paid DLC.

They went from making one of the most popular and influential franchises ever, stuffed with content and game modes you cold play locally with splitscreen or online, to shitting out a single-plyaer skinnerbox for one of the worst publishers in the industry.

They may as well dissolve at this point, they stopped being Bungie like 8 years ago. I won't trust them to deliver a solid game ever again after Destiny.

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Shit games made shit games post Halo 3. 343 bullshit didn't help. Destiny was a step in the right direction but then Activision saw to that.

>a single-plyaer skinnerbox
But the best Destiny content needs multiple people.

No its not,
Kevin stop making these bullshit lies...

They lost their key members who brought the soul in their games. Specifically Staten and Marty.

Marty gets fucked over so much.
>Microsoft laughs at the piano in Halo 3
>Activision needlessly dicks him around
It's fucked.

They were trying to make Destiny originally some Pulp SF game then they fucked it up. They then turn Destiny 2 into capeshit trash (seriously the intro of Destiny 2 look like something out of a avenger movie). Destiny had potential but it failed.

>consistently in the top 10 games on steam
>devs and publishers STILL try to copy them every single year and fail every time
>still generates enough buzz to get into the top of youtube trending with a trailer yesterday
Whether you like it or not Zig Forums, it’s time to admit it: they succeeded in making the ‘next Halo’.

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"Single-player" as in one player per console, per copy of the game, I was being hyperbolic.

Destiny was perfect for couch co-op, but no, that eats into DLC and microtransaction revenue so we just CAN'T have that! They didn't even do splitscreen/local MP for the regular MP mode that plays just like fucking CoD or Halo.

Bungie went from delivering some of the best games in terms of online AND offline multiplayer functionality (every Halo game since 2 and until 5 has had online MP with splitscreen support, local and online campaign co-op and local MP via splitscreen and LAN) to this online-only, one-player-per-console bullshit that exists to sell DLC they cut from the base game. It was a fucking insult.

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They released
>dlc:the game
I utterly despise them and laugh at anyone who still plays destiny grindshit.

>they succeeded in making the ‘next Halo’.
No, they succeeded in making a skinnerbox treadmill that's hooked lots of people.

No one actually talks about Destiny, its no where near Halo's popularity at its peak.

Kevin stop doing the same bullshit you're doing on IGN comment section everytime a destiny article shows up. I know this is you Kevin.

You're fucking pathetic I swear Kevin...

I guess, I just really like the game so I forgive it.

Don't respond to kevin.

>No one actually talks about Destiny
Now you're just being dishonest. There's plenty of discussions and Destiny has a huge community that goes into deep talks about the game for both lore and gameplay.

This. Doesn't matter how shallow it is, it's really fucking popular. Destiny, in the eyes of Bungie, is just as, if not more, successful than Halo. It certainly brings in more cash.

No Kevin

Stop responding to Kevin

cope harder. I hate Destiny, but I'm not delusional like you to believe it's not popular as hell.

ODST in 2009.

Who's Kevin some fucking shill?

Who the hell is Kevin?

Isn't it just one of the OG leads that are still in bungie? Of course it went to shit.

He's a deluded retarded bungie destiny shill who's had a history of making sock puppets accounts on Neogaf, IGN, GameSpot and so forth (all of which got him banned and so forth) he's been on reseteras and they were fed up with his bullshit. He's given his name out as Kevin (which is bullshit honestly).

>Bungie went from delivering some of the best games in terms of offline multiplayer functionality
Bungie was the one who began the trend of not having bots in local multiplayer. Previous multiplayer FPS games (Battlefront, Mechassault, Quake 3, Unreal, Medal of Honor, Time-Splitters...) had bots. Bungie didn't bother and showed the industry that dudebros would buy the game anyway.

I know Kevin because of his usage on IGN where he literally spent 4-5 hours defending destiny (seriously this guy needs help). He even said he'll sell his mother house for destiny.

>banned and so forth) he's been on reseteras
Wow what happened...to be banned there?

that was a good game, though.

He threatened some of the posters over there because they didn't like how destiny operates.

They aren't and Destiny s a better game than Halo has ever been, but at the same time Destiny is a pleb filter it tries to appeal to the masses so these threads get made

I love Destiny but let's not pretend it's better than Halo.

Well MS is giving them money to give every gamepass player D2 with full expansions.

>They aren't and Destiny s a better game than Halo has ever been

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Nothing. They're pulling in a billion and some change a year before they split from Activision, probably pulling in similar numbers now.
>buhbuh why did they split if it was a billion dollar franchise
Easy. Corporate suits are fucking retarded. I can't remember which game it was but it was considered a financial failure by Activison despite pulling in a billion dollars a week after release. It had to be a Call of Duty game.

It was boring and threw out everything that made Halo good, it was the first sign Bungie was going to shit, Reach was the second.

Horrible taste, not surprising though considering you're a braindead weeb. Here: this gif should be right up your alley.

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>destiny 2 becomes f2p
>decide to try it
>tons of multiplayer game modes
>tons of different missions
>"legacy" story modes (i guess you are not supposed to play them)

This game doesn't know what it wants to be, sucks ass