he doesn't know
They don’t have to buy SEGA to collaborate with them on a large scale.
Oh does that mean that Microsoft partnered with Sega to release the new Xbox over in Japan? And Sega got to put their name on it? Neat.
Isn't Sega a Yakuza front? How the hell would Japanese gangsters ever allow Microsoft to buy them out?
The S on the controller is where this guy fucked up
The giant white S looks tasteless.
Oh yeah, because if Japanese consumers couldn't save the Saturn or the Dreamcast they will ABSOLUTELY buy into an xbox with western first person games that thinks they are such fucking retards that they will have no idea it's actually an Xbox with a big fucking blue S on it all along
This is personally what I’m hoping for, as it could mean that SEGA returns to the console market in the tenth generation.
Well Bill Gates supposedly flew on the Lolita Express, so there’s that.
Nice shop
>no i WANT to have to buy a whole machine for Sega games again, also the Japanese are sure to support this! They won't even know it's actually American!
>SEGA and Microsoft teaming up to release the Series X/S under the SEGA name to boost sales in Japan-only
This is the new unofficial name. I can't wait to get my Sega Series S
You replaced the X home button on the controller on the right but not on the left retard
>*and failing because Japanese aren't retards and know it's still an American product
I mean, out of the two I would get a sega box.
Xbox marketed as Sega Series X in Japan?
Not gonna lie, if MS had another partnership with Sega like in the OG Xbox days I would have bought SeX day one. Otherwise I'm gonna stick to PC and catch up to last gen cuz no games.
user, if the Nintendo Switch was marketed to you as "BIG BURGER AND FRIES TABLET" would you magically think it wasn't Nintendo or Japanese?
snoys are pushing the sega meme just to ease the pain a bit
it is kind of sad
Why would they push a meme about losing more games?
yeah because why would nintendo that
Will they Nipponese Uncle Phil like Sean Connery?
just to create noise and then a supposed let down when Phil does his thing in TGS
literal fake news material, like changing the package font to look like the sonic font, or that bullshit about the same blue hue, when it is factually not the sonic official color
it is kind of pathetic
Would you still get a Series X if all the potential Sega games came to pc?
Not him and am Scottish but if you told me it was RABBIE WALLIAMS BIG EBOOK OF RHYMES I'd buy it.
Fuck Sturgeon and fuck the SNP
Americans really would
Most of they're cartoons in the 80's were outsourced to Japanese animators
user why would A N Y O N E do that except for literal Chinese who cannot bring themselves to buy anything Japanese??? The people of Japan aren't THAT retarded, they will know what it is and those same people weren't enough to save ACTUAL Japanese sega consoles Saturn and Dreamcast. The only people who would ever be excited to see a Sega themed Xbox are literal westerners. Please show me all the Japanese out there who are saying "fucking based, i am ready for Phil's cock! They just bought a bunch of realism meme first person Western RPGs'!!!
Probably yeah, I don't have strong graphic card and the prices now are insane in comparison to next gen console. Also the BC for OG xbox and 360 is good to have too.
based retarded Jock, deep fry a mars bar and wash it down with irn-bru on me buddy