is it good?
Is it good?
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its fun with friends and microphone
playing with unknown people without micros is a meme.
it's Town of Salem dumbed down for braindead zoomers
it's ok. won't replace the TTT-shaped hole in your heart (if you have one), but it's not that awful either
Yes, but you can only play with friends for the real experience. Only randos is a no go.
Fuck off
Is it similar to SS13/17 ?
It is just flavor of the month. The game doesn't remain fun for very long, gameplay is super repetitive and wins don't feel deserved
There are no special characters that add spice to the game. Only crewmates and killers. So you don’t get a ton people having ulterior motives. No final kill notes either.
randoms can be fun sometimes
friends is the real experience
It alright.
It not subtle or nuanced, it gameplay sterile and lukewarm, but it alright.
it reminds me of ME GAME which i like better, but same game, really.
It's okay, most lobbies confirm imposters on eject which makes the game significantly more boring
question about this game
would it be possible for the crew to complete all the tasks while never getting separated?
wouldn't that make it almost impossible for the killers?
not even close gameplay-wise, despite looking/sounding similar. the devil is in the details, and ss13 has too many details while among us has almost none.
>friends have been pestering me to buy among us and fall guys
>refuse because i know theyll not be playing it come 2021 at most
>they already barely play anymore
call me a no fun fag but i cant justify spending money on FOTMs anymore, especially when among us literally just sounds like a worse town of salem/secret hitler/press the button with a price tag attached.
On that note, is town of salem worth the price?
technically yes but that's boring and slow; and you can't coordinate moving in the same direction since the only times there's chat is during emergency meetings or when a dead body is found
Among us is like 5$ though
>ss13 has too many details
t. braindead shitcurity that got manhandled by a clown
Town of Salem is a free browser-based game. whatever price they're asking for it is a scam.
Among Us is free on the ios/google app store.
i never said that having too many details is bad, it's actually why i like ss13. so much shit can go horribly wrong (or right) with a slightest nudge.
They won't play Among Us because Among Us 2 will have dropped by then.
>call me a no fun fag
My yearly budget for gaming is 30 quids and I think you sound like a no fun fag.
>among us literally just sounds like a worse town of salem/secret hitler/press the button with a price tag attached
That's an apt summary, however.
It's ok. Way overrated desu.
I could buy coka cola and vanilla ice cream and enjoy a delicious ice cream float with that money nigga
plus i can still play salem for free so
So they made the game free again
braindead shitcurity that got manhandled by a clown here
What am I looking at? How is this dividing by 0?
they just announced Among Us 2 is cancelled and all the content from that will go into the first game
you have to pay for it now?
I haven't played in several years so I don't know if anything changed but yes, it's a super fun game if you're into the whole jew roleplay genre
there are tons of roles, custom game modes, and it actually is dialogue driven
you can grind competitive too
conveyors bugging and causing supermatter shards to collide with eachother, causing massive fucking explosions
i have to fucking clue what among us and fall guys are
im so glad, part of me feels really pround
yeah it sort of stuck me instantly when I started playing "why should I ever separate from my crewmate while there is a killer onboard?"
I get this is a non-serious party game but I feel like they could easily implement actual reasons to separate
don't do shards, kid. or if you do, do them one at a time
Not gonna lie you sound retarded
this game was up like 3 years ago ffs why the fucking shit is it popular today? i installed it 3 years ago and i thought it was shit
Shard belts are fun
Skip to 5:23 if you're lazy
feigning ignorance of popular things doesnt make you interesting
stop telling people about this game. we have to many reddit faggots as it is.
It makes it harder for the imposter, but more fun for the crew (plus memey). Since the imposter already has far more dynamic gameplay than the crew, that’s a fair trade off.
>t. "highpop peak of 10 is perfectly fine"