RTX 3080 20GB vs 10GB

>just wait for the 20gb bro 10gb is not enough
AAA games only need 4-6gb of vram at 4k nowadays.
Games usually request a shitload of vram but don‘t use it, so screenshots with fully utilized vram are meaningless as the way of measuring VRAM usage is flawed.

by the time games actually need more than 10gb of vram the 3080 will be obsolete anyway and I can upgrade.
People who are going to buy a 20GB 3080 will spend an extra 200$ on on a card that itself will be the bottleneck nearing the end of this console gen. So why do people spread this meme? Waiting for the 20gb version will cost you more money, which you are spending 1 year closer to a new GPU generation.

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>$1500+ for a gpu that will get replaced within 2 years
PC fags are retarded lol

699 != 1500+

Zig Forums is addicted to outrage and clings to anything that gives them a dopamine rush

somehow a lot of autists suddenly have 4k monitors and they think that need more than 10gb
here's what's gonna happen

they're gonna wait for 20gb rtx 3080
then rumors of hopper will start flying around
then they'll wait for hopper gpus
then they'll wait for the hopper TIs

>just buy it, goy
Fuck you.

I'm waiting for amd, even if it's inferior.

>being a poorfag

PC gaming is like having a nice car. You pay top dollar for the best hardware you can get for the best performance. I could settle with a console but I'd rather have something better.

should have done a food analogy

And? Still more powerful than console refreshes ni 5 years lol

nobody thinks the 3090 is good

It's objectively the best gaming gpu you're just too poor to afford it and it's fine

yes just consoom and get hyped for the next product

prollies true, went from a rx480 with 8gb ram to a 2060 with 6bg, 2060 is twice the card but with a quarter of the ram. weird huh

poorfag cope lol, I'll enjoyr my 4k120 gameplay on my $3000 tv

Why play pc games via a sub standard tv?

Sub standard? OLED CX TVs are 4k120hz gsync hdr ready. You won't get a better gaming experience with an lcd monitor but it costs a lot more though.

>$3.8 million+ for a car that will get replaced within 2 years
Car fags are retarded lol


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In most games yes, 4k60 to 90 is fine enough for more demanding games.

>pedo's smug anime girl non reply

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10gb is enough

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for what purpose ?
throw your money by the window, not my problem.

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At this point, I'll take whichever one is going to be in fucking stock.


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>not 120fps
>not 8k

I'd rather play 1440p120 or 4k120 than 8k60.

>$1500+ for a gpu that will get replaced within 2 years
Thing is, tech has plateaued bad. They are literally making GPUs bigger. On a consumer market, this GPU will stay relevant for a long, long time. Like, say, 1070 did.

>having to choose

>256 MB VRAM

>8GB shared memory

>16GB shared memory

most of the next gens console VRAM is directly needed for the resolution spike and its a much smaller step than when we went from PS3 to PS4. Next gen games aren‘t suddenly going to need mad amounts of memory. Its just dumbass fearmongering mixed with cope

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Even an nvlink of 2 3090 strix oc on water wouldn't be enough for 8k120 and there's no 8k120hz tv or monitor anyway.

vram is a meme, prove me otherwise

"best", value for money it's awful. nor is it the fastest, try workstation cards retard. try again smoothbrain

>3.5 kek

never had any problem with this card.

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>It's objectively the best gaming gpu
It's a workstation card, you retard.

Objectively the best gaming gpu on the market

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