I just finished this game for the first time, in 4k60 on RCPS3 on the private server, and it took me about 16 hours and was a total blast (aside from Valley of Defilement 2) but it made me aware of how many fucking FAKE ASS WEEBS WHO NEED TO KILL THEMSELVES there are posting on this website.
For starters, there weren't more than about 10 people online at any given time. This is unacceptable. You can drop your George Foreman grill out the seventh floor window now that the only game it has is playable near perfectly in 4k60 on PC, and maybe you should stop being abject and worthless to society if you don't have a decent PC in this day and age when companies keep dropping prices for bleeding-edge tech. I don't know what the fuck you thought was more important in your life than playing Demon's Souls right now, but it sure isn't shitposting about how you think the Texas remake looks.
Speaking of the game, the real problem with it is this: The bosses are all complete pushovers. They are broken. They have cool designs and concepts and gimmicks and arenas you fight them in, sure, but they absolutely cannot put up any fight. They don't track, they don't gapclose, they don't punish, they're slow, they're always vulnerable, they're just bitchmade and I aced nearly all of them on my first go and did not get the Souls accomplishment hit I expect. The stages are fine, but the bosses are not, and it's going to make Texas Souls look fucking stupid if they don't fix them... which appears to be what's going to happen.
The DeS bosses need to be more aggressive, have more moves and be able to get them out fast and punishingly, and generally do something other than stimming around harmlessly until they die. Dark Souls fixed this; I just moved onto it for a replay and already I'm getting smacked by the Bell Gargoyles.
Fake ass weebs, get a decent PC and go back and actually fucking play Demon's Souls. Fuck your shitposting and focus on what matters.
dont care about some random nobody's opinion, its still the best souls game *dabs*
Blake Harris
DeS has better stages than the entirety of dark souls. I'll take better level design, gameplay and movement over what we got in Dark Souls 1. The bosses may be pushovers, but the stages are typically not, and that's fine.
Landon Green
>OP gives a legitimate reasons it's not that great >*fingers in ears* ALALALALALA NOT LISTENING Never change Zig Forums.
Noah Young
yeah sure, its still the best souls game though *farts on ur face and scrap your armor and weapon*
Jace Foster
It's basically a collection of prototype levels that were done better in later games, but it's impressive how much they got right on the first go.
Couple things I like about it that weren't replicated in later games:
- The absence of bonfires. Having to actually do the whole level, start to boss, in one go (aside from shortcuts you unlock) is properly intense. - No upgrading armor. Fuck that. - I prefer contiguous worlds but the Nexus is a fantastic location, and since later Souls games quickly devolve into warping everywhere anyway they definitely miss out here.
Undead Burg > Boletarian Palace Blighttown > Valley of Defilement Painted World, Anor Londo, Sen's Fortress >>> everything
Isaiah Hall
I'm gonna play the remake, why bother with the old crappier version?
Chase Thomas
The concern I have is that the remake will have the exact same gameplay as the original, when there are a lot of fixes that should be made (most critically with the bosses so they can actually pose a threat). If you look at the remake trailer, everything behaves exactly the same as the original and the bosses don't have any new moves, which is concerning.
Daniel Kelly
>mfw getting to the final boss of each archstone and realizing they are a fucking joke but it's true that levels were fun as shit I even loved traversing 5-2, it was spooky and had great atmosphere