TONIGHT, ON Zig Forums

TONIGHT, ON Zig Forums...

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Car fags are the absolute worst. All they can do is spew numbers and stats at you yet when you actually need some mechanic advice they have no idea how to fix anything

New Grand Tour episode fucking when. I need a fix badly.


Grand tour has proved that it was the writers of top gear that make the show good, not the hosts.

the specials were pretty good


Aye one of the top two-tone ska bands

the show (in particular the specials) got progressively worse the more scripted it got though.

nah top gear was kino
the amazon rip off grand tour is a piece of garbage

Is anyone even watching nu top gear?
even BBC in my country is showing episodes with old cast,

It was always scripted, the scripts just got worse.


I agree, just the earlier top gear specials were significantly more improv compared to the later ones
i agree it was always scripted, i just think it got more scripted as it went on


>Old TG specials
Three silly men try to get old vehicles from A to B with breathraking views and funny skits
>Later TG specials/Grand Tour
Haha old men falling over lol exaggerated personalities lmao

More money meant more planning. That's what happened.

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All 3 of them clearly hate each other at this point, which is why there's barely any chemistry, and the heavily scripted content becomes so obvious.

They're also too old to really give much of a shit at this point, they're in it for the paycheck.

>old vehicles
They can't do the cheap old car format any more because BBC apparently own that concept, similar to why they can't have a Stig. Bit of a shame that they changed it from the normal format to the road trip-only format, by the end of the last season they had finally found a formula and rhythm that worked only to scrap it

May > Hammond > Clarkson
This is fact

How can anybody own driving from A to B in a car?

May's show where he takes apart a machine and then puts it back together while talking about the origin of screwdrivers is some top tier shit.


BBC was desperate to maintain their cash cow by any means possible, but then they went and destroyed it anyways

That's probably because May is actually intelligent and gives a shit about engineering, unlike Hamster and Clarkson

When are they going to release a Grand Tour action RPG with driving and banter mechanics?

If you had one of the biggest and most profitable shows in TV history you'd be desperate to keep it too

BBC was based as fuck when they fired that cuck.

Not desperate enough to keep on the presenters that made it the biggest and most profitable shows though.

Those James and Oz series are some top tier shit

Pretty much everyone involved in Top Gear wanted to leave by the end, Amazon money was just the nail in the coffin.


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>look, all I'm asking is 'why are the doors made of wood?'

A bit of both imo, but the grand tour relies way too heavily on the hosts "personalities"
>Hammond is short
>Jeremy is angry
>James is a hippie

Reminds me that /tg/ had a top tier thread about 40K using top gear.

What is the best special and why is it camping?

Then why does the current BBC Top Gear suck so much if it was the writers?

Leftist took over the BBC and decided the network should be all about left wing propaganda. They've always hated Clarkson because they think he's a nazi and have been desperate for any excuse to get rid of him for a while. They don't care about profitability because the network is funded by a mandated tax on the population.

>james is a hippie
i thought his persona was that of a old socially awkward sperg?


>here's an interesting bit of screwdriver trivia, for all of you who are interested in screwdrivers
This fucking guy.

Which is weird because he's pretty milquetoast and has a lot of left wing views too.

>Leftist took over the BBC and decided the network should be all about left wing propaganda
The BBC has literally just announced that they think there's too much commie comedy and they want to give right-wing shows a chance.

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That and it's just kinda soulless because it's missing all the history and mythology that formed around Top Gear over the course of several years, like the original track, the stig, the top gear modded cars, the invincible hilux, the cool wall, etc
Some episodes are still kino, especially the history bits like the one about the ford-ferrari rivalry at le mans or the one about audi vs lancia in rally

Honestly wish there was more history parts like that, was actually really interesting learning about stuff like the British Green and seeing the history of British cars that used it.
Also the pure chaos that ended up being the christmas event was top tier.

>The BBC has literally just announced that they think there's too much commie comedy and they want to give right-wing shows a chance.
Probably because the current government, a right wing one, is talking about maybe getting rid of the TV license which is what funds the BBC. That would mean the BBC would have to start producing profitable shows or it's finished.

No amount of logi will convince people because the BBC (and any state-network which is mandated to be neutral) will always be seen as left-wing as the only comparison is to other TV networks, which are always right-wing.

It's half that and half the fact that the Tories installed a bunch of conservative staff into the BBC 20 years ago, those guys are now landing in leadership roles.
It's all just part of the plan to privatize the BBC so they can suck the life out of it for profit.

People in Australia keep complaining that the ABC are left wing but conveniently ignore how they suck the governments cock on everything.

Yeah I can't really think of any mainstream British TV that's actually leftist, they all have to pander to gammon boomers.
ABC are comparatively "left" compared to Murdochs garbage, I guess?
Fuck me our TV is garbage, I don't even pay my loicense anymore

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B-b-buh they're more left wing than the Murdoch media, that's biased!

It's not a matter of pandering to boomers, it's a matter of large corporations having an inherently right-wing agenda.

To be fair, I used to mainly only ever watch ABC and SBS back when I did bother watching TV and I would say the ABC is definitely more left wing and pro-Labor than SBS was. The dead give away was always comparing Q&A on ABC to Insight on SBS. They were very similar current affairs talk shows and Q&A was noticeably more biased towards the left.

What the fuck does Hammond even add to the dynamic?

He's the midget who always draws the short end of the stick. I thought that as obvious.

He was the middleman and will get notice when James May and Jeremy Clarkson fight got escalated.

Its probably both.
He's the fall guy/idiot/foil to Clarksons snark

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Crash test dummy.

this show is a bit like cumtown where one of the hosts is carrying 80% of the show but it wouldn't quite work without the other two

Abbot go try to suck a Princes dick again or something.

I test the new RTX 3090
James plays every PS5 game
And Hammond buys a Xbox One X

I remember one episode Jeremy Clarkson played Gran Turismo on the PS2 and looked absolutely bored and hated it.