Serious Sam 4
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Its fun.
Graphics aren't great but not really an issue
Jokes are like when your dad makes really bad references and jokes. It's just really endearing.
It's Serious Sam, it's fun. It looks and plays like 3 except that there is no slowburn start this time. Gotta play some more but so far it feels like a better game than 2 & 3.
10gb left faggots 16min!!!!!1111
Haven't played it yet but it's shit
You'll get yours eventually, meanwhile you just gotta SEETHE.
When you tout having the Talos Principle writer doing SS4, I would expect better comedy.
Dont care, still not buying Serious Scam 4
Out and forgotten except for croatians who think this is the shit.
based blondie piratebro
>no weapon key rebinds
>no fps counter
>no soul
Getting a guy who is good at writing philosophy and religious shit to write comedy was probably one of the worst things Croteam did in regards to this game.
i kicked my own ass
Here's my problems with the game:
1. Literally re-used assets from SS3 and Talos Principle. Evident with the ruins in the first level
2. Gun play is very weak compared to SS3
3. Did you know you dont get the assault rifle till well... actually i dont even know when you get it, but ive been playing for 30min now and i dont have it.
4. I turned this game on LOW and I still get frame drops, multiple other people confirm. No optimization at all.
I'd rather give croats some money than activision or some AAA shit, at least they don't charge 59,99 for muh modem warfare.
Selling Cannon and Cannon Accesories
>no fps counter
One line of code literally.
what the living fuck???
yeah they charged you $40 for an alpha asset flip instead lmao
>1. Literally re-used assets from SS3 and Talos Principle. Evident with the ruins in the first level
Proven wrong last thread.
>2. Gun play is very weak compared to SS3
Subjective but damn this opinion is shit
3. Did you know you dont get the assault rifle till well... actually i dont even know when you get it, but ive been playing for 30min now and i dont have it.
Literally get it in the second level retard
>4. I turned this game on LOW and I still get frame drops, multiple other people confirm. No optimization at all.
Lol you're poor
>they still include the hippie blood & gore option
thanks daddycro
it makes even less sense since fusion has it and it's actually fairly good in terms of how much information it gives you
Vulkan, Dx11 or Dx12 for a 580?
>the legion system is a literal fucking lie. It's just window dressing for the first part of the game and the last part of the game
>the game is extremely, EXTREMELY buggy
>terribly optimized
>forced dialog that cannot be skipped
>32 GB day 1 patch
it's a goddamn mess, and it pains me to say this because I'm a huge Serious Sam fan....
This game deserves all those shit reviews lmoa