Low res 2D background corridors

>low res 2D background corridors
What went wrong?

Attached: 1590086160830-EX12MLaXQAUosa2.jpg (3840x2160, 593.71K)

Wanted to stick close to the original, I guess

Why is there a mini-map if you always go down the straight line?

Hi Barry, see you are trying to cope after being BTFO in

They were torn between pleasing the nostalgic boomers and trying something new.

Funny i didnt notice it. I was busy having fun and listening to the awesome music while i was fighting.

PS4 wasn't strong enough for this game to be presented without taking shortcuts like this to keep the fps stable

kept the soul

LMAO literally looks like a green screen

>PS4 wasn't strong enough for a corridor simulator with baked lighting and no weather
>PS4 was strong enough for FFXV, an open world game with dynamic lighting and weather
lmao cope remaketard

Attached: 1586623493155.jpg (1920x2160, 2.45M)