Previous thread was archived, but I put too much effort into my reply to let it go unposted. It was about Pic Related...

Previous thread was archived, but I put too much effort into my reply to let it go unposted. It was about Pic Related. Emulated BotW. I asked why it looked shittier than the Switch version. People called me liars, someone told me to grab pictures of Switch version for proof. Despite only being gone 30 minutes, the thread did not survive.

Attached: switch emulator.png (1920x1080, 2.22M)

Other urls found in this thread:

So I pointed out the weird dithering that isn't present in the actual switch version of the game that is making the emulated version looking blurrier and have more artifacts. Pic related.

Attached: botw emulator.png (251x343, 102.46K)

The following is the post I was originally going to make in reply to the thread:

>post a screenshot of your Switch version and show us what it is supposed to look like then

Sure, tried to match location and time of day the best I could. Screenshot taken directly of TV because Switch internal screenshot feature saves the screenshot as a low quality JPG at a lower scaled resolution, which absolutely destroys image quality and isn't representative of what is on the actual TV. This is on a big, 4k, 55 inch TV. If the artifcacts in OPs screenshot existed in the Switch version, they would be bigger and even more noticable on such a big TV combined with being scaled to 4k from 900p. As you can see, the lines on the mountain, scarecrow, distant trees, shiekah tower, ect are all clean. Maybe some slight stair steps of aliasing, but otherwise clean. None of that weird dithering in OPs screenshot.

Comparing the two directly now, OPs screenshot is much blurrier and less sharp in general than what I see on my actual switch. Is it possible they are forcing some form of AA, and as a result, putting a vaseline filter over their screen?

I also got screens of this same scene at different times of day (while waiting for the right time of day/weather combo for this picture) if anyone wants me to post them, I will.

I'll post close ups of the areas I pointed out earlier in my previous post too.

Attached: Switch BOTW1.jpg (1768x1326, 456.14K)

the following are up close zoomed in screenshots of the problem areas highlighted here: 6 image replies incoming

Attached: botw zoom 1.jpg (1768x1326, 969.09K)

Attached: botw zoom 2.jpg (1768x1326, 977.27K)

Attached: botw zoom 3.jpg (1768x1326, 1.06M)

Attached: botw zoom 4.jpg (1768x1326, 1.05M)

Attached: botw zoom 5.jpg (1768x1326, 1018.41K)

Conclusion: The emulation is an inferior version of the game. Even when playing it at a higher native resolution, Emulation is not perfect. There are artifacts and imperfections that leads to inferior image quality.

Everything is stacked against the Switch version in this comparison. These pictures were taken on a 4k TV that is 55 inches large. BotW is a 900p game, being upscaled to 1080p for Nintendo's native output, which is then being scaled again by the TV to 4k, and stretched to 55 inches. Any imperfections in the game's visuals should be several times more noticeable and made much worse by this process. Instead you see the truth for what it is. Even with all of this, the Switch version still gives a cleaner, more detailed image than the PC Emulated version DESPITE the PC version being a direct screenshot and running at a higher native resolution.

Attached: botw zoom 6.jpg (1768x1326, 1009.08K)

Y'all are too afraid of the truth, and you'll let this thread die because of it.

this board is pro nintendo
they will never approve you regardless, I gave up years ago, if you criticize nintendo you get warned within minutes by the janny

just leave it at that, ask a real site, not this shithole

looks good on my 1080p monitor at 60fps, I don't have any dithering or artifacting.

try out a couple of texture packs

Emulatorfags gonna fag. There are fantastic things being done with emulators, but you never know if you're getting the intended experience unless you're on native hardware.

Are you emulating the Wii U version?
Because that version has shorter draw distance and I don't think you can force it to be further in the emulator.

You're right.
We are getting an enhanced experience.

And yet another retard console war fanboy fails at reading comprehension.

Does Yuzu even run BotW? As far as I know, people are playing the WiiU version on Cemu.

I wish emulation could give us what we saw in the original video

because you have not set it up right

yuzu was geared to run odyssey

>Does Yuzu even run BotW?
No idea. I just remember the Wii U version using dialed back settings.

Wii U and Switch versions are 100% identical outside of docked Switch having a resolution boost to 900p. Wii U is 720p, but otherwise all settings are identical to docked Switch. The Emulator was running with the internal resolution boosted to 1080p, higher than the Switch, yet it still looks dramatically shittier.

bruh, Wii U and Switch are the exact same except for resolution:

I guess the emulator sucks then.
I'm pretty sure Reggie said during some stream before botw was out that the differences between the versions is gonna be draw distance and resolution, but I guess they decided to not fuck with the draw distance.

emulation is soulless.
its just how it is

this is a good analysis user. thanks for doing it

however, I would think that being able to get the game running at 60 fps makes the emulated version a net improvement anyways

haven't tried Cemu yet though, I've only played on Switch

You really wouldn't need to fuck with draw distance anyway. BotW's LOD scaling (and fog honestly) is insanely good.

you can also technically disable fog + AA in BOTW emulation, so there is that. Honestly I'm not a graphic fag, and BoTW on Pc is pretty comfy

But you shouldn't because the fog is extremely important. Emulatorfags going to fag but they always fuck up the art style.

I never did, I just emulate the wii U version, waiting for Cemu to stabilize it. The only thing active is fix for gpu cards specific problems + fps mods. In general, I try to have as close as possibile of an experience to og hardware and don't give a shit if the grass is 2 pixel off or less pretty. BoTW cell shading is cool and all, but it has not such great graphic that I should care at all for it.

In a slower paced game without any need for intensive timing, a game about exploration and the environment, not having the environment be an artifacted, blurry mess is more important. 60 FPS is nice, but the trade off matters for different sorts of games. Now in something like in DMC where the levels are corridors and fidelity is just icing on the cake, but the action is fast and constant timing is a thing? Yeah, fuck up that fidelity and give me more frames.

>I guess the emulator sucks then.
Most emulators suck user. They can let you play games for free, and sometimes can make the game look "better" with higher resolutions or frame rates, but they almost always add in artifacts or rendering errors that didn't exist previously.

>disable AA
Breath of the Wild, and all Nintendo first party titles, have no AA at all. They haven't done AA since the Gamecube.

Don't worry user. I have a 2080ti, and I can tell you from experience that while BotW can technically run 60fps, the only way to do it without breaking the physics and weather simulation is to do an FPS mod that interpolates the frame rate- AKA, the actual frame rate is 30, and it is faking 60. Even at 4k, the visual noise and artifacting still exists in the BotW emulation, in fact, it becomes even more noticeable and distracting. I just thought it was part of the engine, and that the original versions of the game was like that too. But I see it is just the emulation. Makes sense, considering how many filters SNES and Genesis emulators have because no matter how much you try, they can never output exactly the same thing the original SNES and genesis did.

user, BoTW has Anti-Aliasing. The fact I can toggle between native BoTW AA in my graphic packs setting on cemu, or choose the alternative Nvidia AA is pretty much proof of it. I can also turn it off completely if I so do wish

About time somebody called out all the hazy screenshots.

That AA is not a part of the original game then. No first party Switch game with the exception of Xenoblade games has AA. Every single Digital Foundary video covering a first party Switch game goes over this fact.