Why does this board tolerate misinformation and half-truth spreading so much?
>it's just part of the shitposting culture bro no, it didn't use to be. Disingenous little shits should never be allowed to pollute the board, this isn't shitposting, this is thinly veiled propaganda spreading
>yeah, those xy shills really need to go chances are (You) are doing the exact same shit. It became so fucking accepted that blatant manipulation is an okay form of posting that none of you would call people out for it unless they are pushing a narrative that really triggers you
holy shit, just go back to /r/gaming faggot. And stop posting Goku, because you're such a pussy you don't deserve to post that Chad.
Isaiah Diaz
Carter Taylor
Zig Forumsfags ruined Zig Forums
Their board was always this manipulative cesspool from the beginning, and they started to normalize this behaviour on Zig Forums as more and more of them began posting here until people just stopped caring
Jack Flores
And yet it was the opening of /lgbt/ that accelerated this decline....
Colton Collins
Zig Forums was never good, it's just a different flavor of shit now.
Tyler Johnson
>Zig Forums >Redditera not understanding how there can be a website where your opinions aren't force fed to you via upvotes or the iron fist of the tranny mods. Your thread is shit and you should delete this cringe.
Parker Ortiz
>it's just part of the shitposting culture bro >no, it didn't use to be user, people shilled the "PS3 is 599$" so much people started thinking it really cost that much not knowing there was also a 499$ 20gb version. People lie so much here people take it as a fact and this is not a recent thing.