>game has female characters
>they don't have a big ass
what's the fucking point?
Game has female characters
Inb4 falseflag europoor and his nigger obsession.
weak cope
>game has female characters
>they're ugly
>no fat ass
>no fat tits
>no pudgy tummy
>no hips built for breeding
fuck western gaming
weebgames are worse
no tits
no ass
everyone is supposed to look like kids in lingerie
play more games
weebshit is trash
both overwatch and apex legends have thicc ass girls and they're both western
Kill yourself fat loving subhuman.
only a black dick is big enough to go through that
> Kids in lingerie
They're called Lolis and are our saviors
You know this shit's false right? That's a decently sized ass at best.
not making you hard
is this a dark wizards sleeve
imagine being a man during lockdown lmao literally horny monkeys
>t. tranny
The man said you shoud play. more. games.
this is not even a fucking game
also mods don't count
african mutts
Imagine obeying the lockdown lmao.
Spook subhumans don't give me orders.
Her mother and father had her for the single purpose of taking BBC
who is this
According to reverse search, Desktop 2020.01.06 -
because sometimes they can still be sexy as hell
Homo in denial
Look at that, if you ever needed proof that Argentina is white.
>Places with people built like rail road ties like boobs more
>game has female characters
>they're not 7-8ft tall with huge tits and thighs
what's the fucking point?
>tranny who obeys government
Dilate, i'll fuck women without a mask on and without social distancing, what are you gonna fucking do about it?