The joke boss that's just a nod to a goofy enemy in the original game is legitimately the hardest fight on Hard Mode

>the joke boss that's just a nod to a goofy enemy in the original game is legitimately the hardest fight on Hard Mode
Why would they do this?

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Hell House was actually a hard enemy in the original too.

It could do high damage when charging but it went down in a few magic attacks

Hell house is very easy with the right strategy. That is, good luck getting there tho.

I personally think Aps 2 was harder, i got distracted one second and he smashed my team.

It was the hardest enemy in that area

>the first boss thats actually a challenge on Hard


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Its not a joke and its not a boss its just an enemy you need to run away from.

Granted but I haven't had a boss before or since in my Hard Mode run that's given me as much trouble. Even Eligor I only had to restart once after accidentally giving him Regen.

Because Hell House is the first occurrence of a boss you need to prepare for and learn its varying weaknesses. After you learn how to do that, the other bosses become a cake walk. Sephiroth is an undeniable challenge.

Only difficulty comes from when the two mechs spawn, and how long it takes to get there. Just be patient and use Cloud's limit break/ Aerith thundaga to kill them when they appear.
Ghost nigga was more annoying.


My only problem with sephiroth battle is that the first phase with cloud only was so goddamn fun, specially after you notice you can dodge an attack and get him pressured instantly, or parry his telluric fury for more pressure
I wish that part was longer. 1v1 sephiroth was pretty cool.

>thinking hell house is even hard in the original
just use thunder

Have you played the original?

How hard is it compared to the simulations? When I did hard mode I just went straight to chapter 11 and grinded the simulations. I finished all of them but dropped the game.

>using magic
Fucking faggot.

It’s not that hard honestly. You’re either bad at rpgs or you were trying to play it as an action game fight

All of Cloud's 1v1 battles are kino. Rufus is a blast and I legitimately enjoyed facing off against Roche. I hope theres more 1v1 battles in the next parts

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Only about half the simulations are unlocked before Chapter 17 on Hard. You get a few new ones and 2 secret ones. The Pride and Joy simulation is by far the most challenging thing in the game. Hell even Bahamut by himself is work.

>action game fight
Its an action rpg. I can almost guarantee this was the case. You honestly dont even need to really try on Normal mode.

Barret is gonna have his showdown with Dyne in a scrapyard. You will have to hide and use surprise him from behind to beat him

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Final Fantasy House is freaky shit, bro

Sephiroth was a pushover.
The long boss fight against the stupid time giant thing took me a few tries.

Sephiroth is a Hell house but on crack. After getting the party members, he starts infusing himself with shit so you need every magic to penetrates defenses.
However, if you switch to ANYTHING but cloud, sephiroth just stunlocks you and doesnt even let you gather ATB. It is easy if you play as cloud and parry/counterstance him, but not many people, specially after playing through the game, notices this. Not to mention that later when you have 3 party members he starts to use AOE attacks like crazy so blocking everything isnt always good.

Sounds like you suck.
I had no problem kicking Sephiroth's ass on Hars mode.

I cant find the picture now but there was an actual cover mechanic that was eventually removed that would be pretty fuckin cool for a Barret 1v1.

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I gotchu

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Wow so cool

I can picture something similar to Raven boss fight in MGS1

you hide and hide, while dyne taunts you until you hit him from the back and hes pressured.

Nice. I'm ultimately glad it got cut but I wonder how it could've been implemented with what we got.

HERUUUUUUU HAUSUUUUUUUUUUU new airbuster and this boss were the best part of ff7r

>harder than the whispers or Bahamut + Ifrit
Finish the game.

>Summon summons another summon

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Jenova was kino af too.

Airbuster is probably the best fight IMO though.

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