Now that all the dlc is out, is it worth playing again?
Borderlands 3
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will never be worth it until they have dedicated servers and online saves
>Now that all the dlc is out
They just announced that another set of DLC will be coming as well as a 4th skill tree for the characters.
Sabre turret>iron bear
they managed to fuck up every dlc and not add any meaningful endgame content or expansion on the existing lore.... not even a cameo from axton or salvador, nothing.
Borderlands 3 is getting cracked by Empress soon. Just a public service announcement.
Goodness no user. I bought this game on launch for PS4 and it was the most dull shooter I ever played.
I own this game on PC. I'm here to tell you it's not even worth pirating user. Wait for something more worthy to be cracked.