At the time of the deal it was reported that Rare was actively courting other buyers when it became clear that Nintendo...

>At the time of the deal it was reported that Rare was actively courting other buyers when it became clear that Nintendo wasn't interested in increasing its investment in the firm.
>Activision's name cropped up at the time, and many assumed that the publisher lost out purely because a bigger fish - in this case, Microsoft - stepped in.

>However, according to Xbox co-creator Ed Fries, it was actually a much closer thing than that
>We put in a bid and then Activision outbid us, and it looked like we were going to lose the deal. And then, at the very last minute, Robbie [Bach] increased our bid, and we won. We won the deal.

I sense a pattern here. People get mad at MS for purchasing beloved dev, then it turns out they got to them before someone FAR WORSE did.

Attached: MSBR.png (741x748, 89.49K)

Activision would have unironically been better. Look at how Activision treats their retro platformer mascots like Spyro and Crash versus how Microsoft has treated theirs.

Rare would have been turned into a COD support studio if they were lucky.

Yeah after like 20 years.
I dont' think any company would be better, and all rare talent left already anyway.

Nah, they would have been turned into what Toys for Bob is. They probably would have made them fuck around with toys to life for a few years until the trend died then put them back on platformers.

Crash and Spyro had a bunch of shitty games then died for 10 years before being revived with a different studio

Not from what i've played of Sea of Thieves and am seeing from Everwild. People just shit on Rare because they aren't making the same shit they made 30 years ago. Funny part is the so called "real Rare talent" couldn't recapture that magic either with Yooka Layle

Nope, we would never be getting a game like Everwild now under Activision. They would be COD support or closed. See Bizarre Creations along with countless other studios.

Nintendo was the one whipping their ass to work properly. Just look at Mercury stream, they released 2 garbage game and then Metroid.

Devs like that need constant pressure.

Activision didn't do shit until 2 generations too late, would be the same fate as Banjo so don't go there. In fact there would be a raped corpse before it would see any revival, like Crash and Spyro during the dark era.

And they've been wasting away ever since

Is Sea of Thieves actually good? It didn't look interesting when it came out.

Thing is Nintendo didn't want Rare though, and Activision would have completely destroyed them. They haven't had the best time under MS (though Kameo and Viva Pinata are classics!)but they finally found their footing again.

And that's still better than what happened to Rare

The game is fun as hell.

In your fanfiction maybe. Reality is another story

It's really fun though rather lacking in content. Mainly worth it with gamepass

it's in the exact same state as it was since release. Their "major" content updates are nothing to write home about. The game is in the exact same state that it was on release.

> they would have released some shitty games
Better late than never. A few shitty shovelware games followed by a decent remake and sequel is better than Nuts and Bolts followed by 12 years of radio silence.

I'm actually interested in buying my first Xbox this generation. I'll get the PlayStation too, but Xbox is starting to interest me after Xbox One just failed for me.

Given that suits didn't liked them they had it coming. Company politics can get all kind of retard.

>And thats still better than them getting to make the games they want to make

Imagine being this retarded

so uhh...where are the games?

What content is it lacking? They've built that game up significantly since launch.

Sea of Thieves and Viva Pinata, two post-MS games, are better than any of the bullshit that game before them.

Serious question, are you by any chance retarded?

>People just shit on Rare because they aren't making the same shit they made 30 years ago.
People shit on them because they didn't make anything but Kinect sport games for a good chunk of Microsoft ownership.

>better than DK, Perfect Dark, or Banjo

Banjo with Activision would've been really fuckin lame and I'd take Nuts and Bolts with no games over some really mediocre and boring sequels that killed the series worse.

nearly 20 years and the only game they really have from the company is Sea of Thieves?

you dont find THAT retarded? come on, man.

>Perfect Dark by Infinity Ward

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Nintendo only didn't want Rare because Nintendo of Japan was pissed that the N64 not only sold like shit in Japan, but Banjo Kazooie had more of a cultural impact at the time debatably than SM64

Everything rare released on xbox was middling at best and usually pretty bad. Rare needed that firm have to push them. Even worst case scenario, we'd get some decent banjo sequels, a very nice hd remake collection, and a reboot which of infinity times more than what the series has now.

My question still stands

Attached: Everwild.jpg (1350x759, 169.8K)

VIVA Pinata was up there with anything the released on Nintendo consoles, Kameo to a lesser degree

oh wow, 2 games now after 20 years.
yeah, figures youre just another shitposting faggot.

>muh banjo

It wasn't because that shitty ass bear you fucktard smashtard. Rare had 2 fucking killer apps for fucks sake.

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>Using the Kinect Sports-era logo
I'm so glad they made their logo not shit again eventually.

Attached: Rare_logo.png (270x365, 74.38K)

So the answer is yes then, gotcha.

And where you got this from?

MS got scammed and saved Activision, before some fag says that they killed Rare, the company was already dead. Many key staff were leaving left and right and Nintendo knew it was about to become a time bomb, so they were planning to sell their share and Rare decided to sell their independent part together.

Rare did their usual at OG Xbox and X360 and all of these games didn't get acclaimed as they did on the SNES and 64 days, it's just a miracle that Microsoft decided to turn them into a casual developer rather than closing and then reverting it.

Rare absolutely dominated the N64 and it made Nintendo seethe.

The redpill is that rare was always inconsistent. Their pre snes games suck. I dont even care for donkey kong much honestly but it is a well liked. They had a real hot streak with the n64 from 1997-2000 but even then some games like blast corps or jet force gemini went under the radar, and some are divisive like banjo tooie or dk64. And with xbox theyve been the same. Grabbed the ghoulies, viva pinata, sea of thieves are great. Rare replay is an excellent anthology. Three of their greatest n64 games were remastered beautifully.

Nintendo had 50% of rare back them.

Why didn’t Nintendo want to invest in them after they carried them through the n64 era?

Considering Rare had made nothing but dogshit, I kinda doubt that.

And then we got Perfect Dark Zero. Great. Definitely worth it.


Rare was always overrated anyway. They just happened to release a few decent 3D platforms when they were heavily overvalued by the market. Several hundred million too many was paid for the studio, imo.

Has Rare even made ONE good game since Microsoft bought them?

Didn't it have something to do with the Stamper bros?

Rare was already circling the drain by the time Microsoft bought them
Banjo Tooie was shit, Star Fox Adventures was mediocre as fuck and their shitty next game Grabbed by the Ghoulies was supposed to be on Gamecube
Microsoft got scammed

Kill your self

Honestly, did they make one BEFORE MS bought them?

Viva Pinata
Unironically Kinect Sports
Sea of Thieves

>Microsoft bought Rare 18 years ago
>only two games since that were any good and they were just okay

What a waste. I get that Rare isn’t really Rare anymore because of the almost universal staff turnover, but you think MS would have gotten in there and tried to do something with their IPs. Instead they’re just spinning their wheels pumping out party games and other stupid bullshit

I don't think Rare has made any good games after MS bought them.

>it's actually a good thing microsoft bought rare
what the fuck is up with you faggots? Do you even understand how shit Rare became? it wasn't remotely a good thing.

Yes. Thats why nintendo never got hands on Rare properly.

But metroid is shit.

15 million subs and over a million in sales on Steam would suggest that Rare is doing just fine but yeah lest keep up with this "Rare is DAD" meme