How has it aged?

How has it aged?

Attached: the-elder-scrolls-iii-morrowind-goty-cover.jpg (640x907, 229.54K)

will always be goat

like fine wine

It's consistently been the best Elder Scrolls game for the past 18 years. That's some good aging.

its easily top 10 all time, maybe even top 5

as well as you want it to, really
enjoyment of morrowind is extremely individual. you can do infinite combinations of characters and mods

First time playing it longer than five hours.

Basically did almost everything you could in the game.

10/10, I actually feel empty now that it's over. No game has done that to me in over a decade.

Attached: goodnight sweet prince.png (1920x1080, 2.29M)

Like wine, specially now that we have computers that are capable of letting you see very far, it makes the game more immersive this way.

It feels smaller. The fog seems less mysterious and more dated.
The diceroll combat is jarring if you dont know its diceroll.
Lack of voice acting is jarring but I like it. I enjoy the reading more than listening to someone talk.
All in all theres no incredibly janky UI or "what the fuck is going on" situation that some old games have.

Verdict: Aged well.

Attached: 1365429508369.jpg (400x400, 107.51K)

Good things don't stop being good.

Just fine. If you have an issue, you can always mod it.

Plus, I love the Telvanni territories with the mushroom houses.

It's the only game I've put in over 600hrs

You can fix the fog with a simple mod tho.

Daily reminder to fuck hlaalu niggers.

Attached: 3ee3a1f949669f8f948c1d0e19c51e2a9ed5d4fb72b924ded6b41ee858aabebc_1.jpg (800x578, 69.49K)

Morrowind used to reboot the xbox during loading screens. WTF? I never noticed it.

>No one’s posted THAT image yet

Actually surprised.

Call me retarded, but I genuinely think that the menu UI was better on the Xbox port. Everything on the PC game feels tiny and hard to read

better than oblivion
i was born in 2001 and its in my top 10. so theres your proof.

Based todd

>implying more than 1 schizo would ever post that image of a stolen post
This is a good Morrowind thread, keep it that way.
That's the resolution you're running. Get a simple mod that magnifies the UI.
Is this your first old PC game or something?

I have it at my resolution 1920 x 1080, it's just the way the game is compared to oblivion

Everyone being a goddamn walking encyclopedia feels wierd, combat can go fuck itself.

>"Nooooooooooo characters are not supposed to actually be interesting and give you important information"
>god damn it, I hate when games suppose you are minimally intelligent

...I know that.
Anyone who has played a PC game prior to HD knows that. That's why I told you the solution for it.

Dagoth Ur welcomes you my sweet persistent friend

It’s true though, that post makes some pretty good arguments. Morrowind was great for it’s time, but hasn’t aged well against what we expect from RPGs now, it’s too restrictive and limited.

Nothing that came out today like Morrowind would score more than an 80.

I didn't play it new, but modded a bit much later. Honestly I can see why people like it so much. It has a lot more atmosphere than Oblivion or Skyrim. Feels like it was the more impressive for its time as well, but I'm looking back as an outsider to the series.

Pretty good. Sadly the old guild quests were basically radiat ai tier. But they have indirect lore. Oblivion still have best guild quests

RPGs like what?
You're being deliberately evasive and not offering up modern alternatives because you know you'll be torn a new asshole by people with better taste than you.

Attached: schizoBTFO.png (1581x200, 23.34K)

Badly. The combat is dogshit and the models are atrocious.

I played it for the first time like 5 years ago and become a Morrowind-fag convert.

4 cell view distance on distant land is a good compromise between feeling open, running well, and still having mystery

How the fuck is Morrowind restrictive and limited, ESPECIALLY compared to modern RPGs? This has to be bait. Please be bait.

Oh I did mod the fog, didn't disable it but I think I tripled it's distance or something around there. Seeing the different biomes with super high render distances looks worse than the fog imo

Skyrim doesn't even let the player wear 2 rings or make spell effects, if morrowind is limiting what is that then

Almost every single quest can only be completed in one way. A few have two if you're lucky.
Compared with an RPG like Fallout New Vegas where quests have multiple branching paths, it's extremely limited.

This has been a problem with TES games in general though, not just Morrowind. The games don't give a shit about morality and you're always railroaded into being the hero, even if you're part of the Dark Brotherhood or part of a vampire clan. Half of the threads I see about Elders Scrolls is people asking why you couldn't join Dagoth Ur or the Mythic Dawn.

Completely fucking wrong. Meme opinion of someone that doesn't have the critical thinking skills to do something unless it's a fucking dialogue option or some shit. I bet your retarded ass did all the Sjoring Fighter's Guild quests and never even realized there was a good and bad path because you don't pay attention and just listen to faggy tattooed dyed hair 19 year old niggers rapping about pussy while you get high and mindlessly play games.

>quest branching
That's not what a reasonable person measures the quality of an RPG by.
Go read a CYOA novel.
>that second paragraph
Good job making it painfully obvious that you haven't played the goddamn game and just steal your opinions from Zig Forums.

if you mod out the fog the game has a different ominous atmosphere, seeing dweemer ruins from balmora

not an argument.