Is this worth playing in current year? Or was it overrated like pretty much everything else in this generation?

Is this worth playing in current year? Or was it overrated like pretty much everything else in this generation?

Attached: sleeping dogs.jpg (1600x1200, 1.65M)

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Yea it's a great GTA clone but mixed with more close combat.

It's a good game. Comparisons to GTA are unnecessary. If you want GTA, just go play GTA and you'll be happier. If you want to do martial arts and drive cars, Sleeping Dogs is a good game.

Fuck China, by the way.

I did exactly that and it's great. I'm a true crime fan turned yakuzafag who's never played gta and it scratched the itch perfectly. Great game on its own, dlc feels rushed af. Free on gamepass, worth it under $25.

The ost is gold

Most excellent atmosphere and soundtrack. Solid 9/10. I had lots of fun with it. Ninja tune best radio station.

And remember a man without porkbun is never a whole man.

>went to Hong Kong once when I was younger
>always wanted to go back again one day
>tfw 2020

Attached: tanaka_outto.jpg (387x412, 31.95K)

>Ninja tune best radio station.
ninja tune like the label? they get a whole station?
that's awesome

It's OK but the fighting is simplistic, and guns are OP. There are also a handful of game breaking bugs that are pretty random and never got patched out. The DLC is pretty forgettable. Still 100%ed it so it can't be that bad.
>Not Ping is best girl

It was fun for what it was.