This is how Zig Forums thinks

This is how Zig Forums thinks.

Attached: How V thinks.png (1196x628, 13.35K)



and i thought they just randomly yell soulless to trigger people.

no, this is how Zig Forumstards think

4D is real soul

Attached: images.png (224x225, 8.02K)

Neither of those have soul you fucking tard. You don't know what soul is.

help my brain is falling out of my eyes

Attached: niggerstoungedmyanus.png (1583x1289, 2.16M)

>Zig Forums be like
Kill yourself my man

Actually, right is what nu/v/ thinks because, like you OP, are zoomer nigger scum that thinks 3D > 2D by principle instead of liking both equally

Attached: 1597140033608.png (1692x628, 17.05K)

Make the remake a square but with rounded corners.

Yes, because 3D physics are shit and there isn't the same problems in 2D.

Attached: 1601010353115.png (553x450, 446.55K)

Oof, you got us! So what game were you planning to shill to us today OP?

It's actually the opposite; simple design is a thing.

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No the left one needs to really poor quality
Coz apparently "good graphics"=soulless

based underage zoomie

Damn, those oonga boongas were a e s t h e t i c as shit.

Attached: 1585670147982.jpg (452x445, 18.27K)

Im actually 20 but okay user im underage


Attached: 1564822077970.gif (250x250, 1.95M)

>Zig Forums
>Zig Forums

poor quality from 21 years ago

Attached: age-of-wonders_15.jpg (1024x768, 271.36K)

Poor quality from 22 years ago.

Attached: RailRoadTycoon.jpg (1021x765, 482.15K)

>Window to 2D world.
>3D Cage.

Attached: 1600724673291.jpg (1230x1008, 236.45K)

left is better in a video game sense unironically

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Attached: soul vs soulless.jpg (2800x1768, 3.43M)

>im actually a zoomer but ok
Your mind is clearly underage from the arrested development zoomers are intentionally subjected to.

Ironically, in 1996 a preview of FF7 in Edge pretty much calls it soulless.
>It’s also hard to deny that the series has exchanged a little of its charm for 3D slickness. FFVII’s starkly vivid rending and genuine orchestral score present a harder realistic edge that’s a far cry from the endearingly blocky sprites and chip-generated music of the SNES. Previous games had also utilised the illustrative talents of anime artist Yoshitaka Amano, but his flamboyant portraits weren’t considered appropriate for the necessary simplicity of current polygon-based characters.

wtf i love game journalists now

Unironically soulless

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Attached: IMG_20200924_232404.jpg (650x800, 75.87K)

This user knows what’s up

graphics are not important. That's why among us and fall guys are fads right now.

>"good graphics"=soulless
That's true and you're too stupid to realize why.
