>Open-world RPG where you can explore Hogwarts and the wizarding world while learning magic and unlocking the secrets to a deeper mystery
>Hufflechuds just want a dating simulator
Open-world RPG where you can explore Hogwarts and the wizarding world while learning magic and unlocking the secrets to...
>Western women goblina looking models
>Dating sim
Would be DOA
It's rated T though
What're they gonna do, hold hands or, god forbid, hug? It's not like this is Hogwarts: Full Body
Just wait until they double down on the "JK is not involved" line
it's gonna be a generic cinematic action game with shallow RPG elements tacked on
I hope they have a ton of secret areas, puzzles and collectibles around Hogwarts
the wand question doesn't work
what kind of fucking patronus is my salad meat
I've always wondered what happens if you end up with like an earthworm or cockroach as your patronus. Not everyone can get a fucking wolf or whatever.
Like are you driving off dementors with a cockroach?
This game supports hate speech.
Id prefer a cockroach
why the fuck does that quiz run like absolute shit
I just want to play as Machoman Muscle Wizard
We really dont know the limits of the patronus, or why are they are just animals
>the dementors fear the Turk
Based. Terfs are alright if only because they make trannies seethe
I just hope I can get a Bearded Vulture as my ""Owl""
>hogwarts and the wizarding world did not have dating
>Hufflechuds just want a dating simulator
Pretty in-character if you ask me.
>Doomer bea
The fuck happened? Did she turn emo after being trapped in the painting? I left around that time.
based flipendoposter
>surf 'n terf
>set in the 1800s
>minorities everywhere
>lesbians dont have penises
so, its a site that tells facts?
>tries to pander to minorities for woke points
>have a little conflicting point with trannies
>lose all woke points and becomes Hitler
This is what happens when you try to please mentally ill people with borderline personalities
According to the wiki she "starts feeling unsafe at Hogwarts"
that or painted worlds just make women go full depressive
It's rated M
>Meanwhile, at the American school...
In some other thread user said Tom Felton was looking good these days.
I hope they don't make Dragon fights boring
I didn't knew he was a pedo
Gene Wilder's secret son?
Thats unfortunate.
The inferi in the trailer already looked like the most retarded sort of zombie so I wouldn't hold out hope
Nooo Kharjo watch out!!
Literally just Draugr? I guess Skyrim 2.0 wasn't as far away as I thought
He still has fangirls somehow
Draco Tok is a thing now
haha wow i thought they looked cool in motion. Guess not.
have you seen a cockroach? those things are filthy and move fast af.
you niggas just jealous of the pussy destroyer, i bet he fucks fangirls every weekend
Dont make me disrobe and get my hat
>Pic Related
>Gets away with attempted genocide and gets to live out his days in his mansion, as well as general pardon from the MoM for his wife lying to Voldemort
What was JK thinking!?