Other urls found in this thread:
imagine being a living sandwich destined to be eaten
Gamers rise up and stampede to the nearest Arby's!
>implying you aren't
C'mon user. You're a consoomer, that's how everyone sees you. Make sure you're cuphead, not the sandwich.
Arbys is shit
What a sorry excuse of a "food" establishment.
They took a massive gamble in actually finishing the original game, hell yeah I'd sell out in a fucking instant.
Imagine being a cup full of soda destined to be succed.
>that comic where some woman has the power to clone herself
>makes tiny one and sells them as food
>one of them comes out the packet sentient with a copy of the originals mind
>argues and pleads with the guy that bought her to get him to eat her
The real problem with getting old is piling up the painful memories. Fucking deviantart
They sold millions of copies. They're not hurting