>VAST MAJORITY OF Zig Forums ARE FRAMERATE-FIRST CHADS 1440P AND 4cucKs BTFO. Imagine giving up buttery smooth framerate just to increase resolution which barely even produces any noticeable difference. 1080p/144hz and a 24 inch screen is ALL YOU NEED.
I spend my money on more important thngs, thank you very much.
Aiden Moore
I play 1440p/144hz You're not a consolefag, are you?
Joseph Gutierrez
many here are phoneniggers with a resolution bigger than 1080p
Elijah Hughes
I play on 1200p actually.
Angel Bennett
>30fps Can register inputs 30times a second >60fps Can register inputs 60times a second
Juan Collins
what kind of crack are you snorting to do 60 inputs per second?
Andrew Walker
But I don't "still" play games at 1080p, I play them at 1600x1200 or lower. I have a 1080p monitor but I only use it for videos.
Brandon Morales
It depends on the game for me. I run at 4k, and most games usually will be at ~60 fps. But some of the more intensive games require sacrifices. Anything below 30 is unacceptable, but I try to get it at least above 40.