At first, you would be intimidated by Frank due to his large...

At first, you would be intimidated by Frank due to his large, strong physique and the fact that the sentence "Join my gang or else..." implies that he is willing to use intimidation and violence to make you join his gang. Charles saying "You would be wise to join my gang" could imply that joining Charles' gang is the smarter choice as Frank might turn on you, kill you or something along those lines. Charles also has 2 gang member, whilst Frank only has one (that we can see in the picture). However... Charles has a suit, and you never trust the guy in the suit. Now THIS is fantastic writing in a video game. This is making me think about my decision.

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I've seen things you frankfags wouldn't believe.

Charles is the only sensible choice.
Anyone who is familiar with the lore knows this.

Frank is simply there to filter all the edgy, 'badass' cringe lords.
Those who choose him are set to fail.

That's how the mafia works.

>he doesn't know that frank and charles are secretly working together and playing the gangs against each other for shits and giggles
oh no no no look at this lorelet

Charles is a fucking simp

Frankfags BTFO

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Which path did you take here?
I don't want the bad ending.

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he's clearly gay, so seduce will work 100%

>Charles also has 2 gang member, whilst Frank only has one
no, they both have 2

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (479x378, 389.42K)

My choice is liquid Charles.