What's your main weapon and why?
Monster Hunter
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LS because it's underpowered.
Hammer is a close second, though it's not as underpowered it does have a high skill ceiling.
you can do everything and then some
You only play world?
If not, how do you deal with the fact that it plays differently in every game?
Lance and Hunting Horn. Wanted to pick up the least played weapons and now have more fun with them than the others. I have at least 100 hunts with most weapons though, except dual blades and charge blade. Never could get in to those.
gotta go fast
Gun lance for max block and max cool
I only play with my trusty breadstick
Lance. Been poking big lizards since MH. It seems underused and people complain about "Poke poke poke" but it actually has a lot of fun mechanics, especially in Gen and World.
It's the only way to pound that shit into the dirt and make it stay there.
There is not a single weapon I like in World.
I played them all in earlier games and liked them.
But in world? I can't fucking get used to anything.
GS and SA for example feel like completely different weapons and gunner weapons play like in a FPS more than MH everything is so weird.
What do bros?
Tri's Lance was peak and I couldn't follow it down the shitter.
You need the hammer. It's the only weapon that plays basically the same as in every other MH. Just remember to wound the head before y go to town.
SnS and SA
This. You can even golf swing and its really not that worse dps than big bang if you wanna go old school purist.
Didn’t like Switch Axe in the older games but in World it’s amazing, if Rise doesn’t change it too much I’m sticking with it
Hunting Horn.
I love big heavy blunt weapons and I like battle bards. It's actually perfect. if it doesn't work, I take the more direct approach with Hammer. If I need tail severs then I have a few weapons I pocket.
i pirate
HBG because I love positioning.
CB because 4G
every weapon except maybe IG because it's a bit too tedious
This. All of World's gimmicks don't change how Hammer is played, just how many options it has. It has the best CC integration, the best use of slopes, and as straight forward a game plan as ever.
Lance because I hate myself
Hammer. The face is the place.
>the best use of slopes
Eeh. It's like playing on an ice level. Being able to jump into a superpound is cool though.
Sword and Shield. The moveset of the weapon just clicked for me in a way that no other weapon has. Hunting Horn comes very close though.
I also really like Switch Axe, Hunting Horn, Charge Blade and Bow and out of those I use Switch Axe and Hunting Horn the most.
>Have used every weapon to some extent except Hammer
Should I give it a try?
Moving into a slide while charging gives Hammer more good options than charging normally, unless you really wanted the giant swing spin (the jumping spin is better overall as well). Sliding is not always as beneficial for other weapons as it is for Hammer.
Yes. Get your bonk on. It's everything good about actually landing hits with Horn amplified because hitting monsters with a big heavy thing is its only thing.
Like everyone else in the thread has said it's a pretty straightforward weapon, and it has the advantage of using the same setup as long sword, speaking of long sword I would call it just that, the long sword of blunt weapons
I'll give it a shot then, I love Hunting Horn so after getting used to Hammer I'll probably love it as well.