When will japanese developers stop creating such disgusting art for video games? This is unacceptable

When will japanese developers stop creating such disgusting art for video games? This is unacceptable.

Attached: yonah_disgusting_art.png (1608x481, 493.81K)

Attached: 1589185100944.png (528x528, 468.04K)

Looks ok, tranny. Go dilate.

God I want November to come and cause these people pain.


this is a brotherfag in denial

When will Western developers stop trusting Marxists like you for constructive criticism?

Attached: 1565719662806.webm (1280x720, 758.07K)


how the fuck can someone from resetera take some kind of moral stand when they're using the same fucking website that banned people for not thinking the cuties controversy was a alt-right conspiracy. fucking closet paedophiles, i swear