Do you think Starfield is going to be hard sci fi like 2001 and Interstellar or will it be more space fantasy like Star...

Do you think Starfield is going to be hard sci fi like 2001 and Interstellar or will it be more space fantasy like Star Wars and Mass Effect?

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That satellite architecture is definitely human-made. Not to mention in vidya the blackness of space is usually super colorful and filled with nebulae, this depiction is relatively restrained by those standards. I think from what we've seen the most reasonable guess is for the former.

Who cares it's Bethesda.

I care :(

What kind of game is it?

Space exploration

Then the OP question is stupid. Hard scifi wouldn't make for a very fun space exploration game. You've gotta go fast and blow shit up.
Also, what the fuck has Bethesda done that you'd consider hard scifi? Fucking nothing?

Counter-point: Nerds are obsessed with Star Wars.
Don't expect anything interesting or subtle in games designed for mass appeal.

>Hard scifi wouldn't make for a very fun space exploration game.
Not at all.

It'll be fallout on a space station.

Is it using the same engine?

I also am extremely hesitant for this reason. I think I would still be surprised to see hard scifi even with the observations I made. We'll have to wait and see. Maybe the promo visuals are an indication that they can at least be somewhat tasteful in at least their architecture, who knows. I'd like to think this won't just be a larger budget No Mans Sky.

it'll probably be soft scifi because its the easier way to craft a story from. and its bethesda and their lazy asses couldnt make a cohesive game if their lives depended on it.

Hopefully it will be hard sci-fi, but i'm not holding my hopes up. Waiting for Todd to show us at least a godamn screenshot.

>Hard scifi wouldn't make for a very fun space exploration game
Well it works for elite dangerous and scam citizen.
If they can do the same sort of space exploration but with an actually story it will be kino.

Those games have faster than light travel which makes them soft sci fi.

I don't even

It'll be Skyrim in space

Yes, itll be a dumpster fire

Nah, it will be more like FO4 in space. Which actually wouldn't be a bad thing with space and different planets.

Neither of those are hard sci fi, dumbo.
You can literally hover in atmosphere in a huge brick shaped ship in SC and ED has hard caps on it's """newtonian""" physics.

Shit needs to be theoretically possible for it to be hard sci fi, FTL travel isn't. Hard sci fi would be getting frozen in a hydrogen ram scoop for a 100 years to travel to another star.

Its gonna be skyrim in space and it will be shit
If it was good, or any future bethesda games were good, they wouldn't sell themself out. They know they are making shit and no one would pay this much for them in like 2 years
Only games you should somewhat anticipate should be from Japan

Watch Expanse to get a clue on what basic bitch entry level hard sci fi is.

Concepts like Alcubierre drive which allow for ftl travel are absolutely hard sci fi.

>Only games you should somewhat anticipate should be from Japan
Every single one of your opinions are wrong for this phrase alone.

It's absolutely not. Even wikipedia calls it a speculative idea, nothing more.

counterpoint: Outer Wilds, KSP

it's gonna be better than outer worlds, that's for sure

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The actual space exploration is shit in both tho. You get stylized cartoony shit or you get barren landscapes with fucking nothing of interest on them and empty space. The main draw of KSP is building ships, managing missions and achieving goals, not the exploration (because there's nothing to explore).

Most likely a repeat of Oblivion and Skyrim lies and fake "gameplay"-trailers so wouldn't be surprised about outlandish lies regarding the AI and how if you see an asteroid or other planet, you can go there.
The hypelies will surely be on a whole new level with the game perhaps being decent as long as you go on a media blackout so you don't know too much about the broken promises and outright bullshit and looking at Fallout 76 and Fallout 4 it won't be finished, have the usual Bethesda bugs, dumbed down story and conversations, scrap everything in favor of crafting shit and survivalfads that don't have anything to do there in the first place and don't add anything of value whatsoever.

Just a typical Bethesda mess of bugs, lies and simplification of already simple concepts but maybe an ok waste of time mostly to laugh at bugs that survived from game to game before it gets patched just to break something else.

Are you seriously using outer wilds as a positive example or just mocking your own point O.o