This huge underpowered piece of shit is already holding back Resident Evil VIllage in its first year...

This huge underpowered piece of shit is already holding back Resident Evil VIllage in its first year. Say something nice about it.

Attached: ps5-playstation-5-console-hardware-98448.768x432.jpg (768x432, 19.19K)

Should I buy this

I probably would've picked one up if not for the censorship and the Schizo Twitter rant.

RE8? Yes, buy it on PC or Xbox Series X

No. You're paying 500 for something that has basically no games yet. I would only buy a ps5 is they not only get games but also give it a total redesign.
>needs a stand to lay upright and on it's side
i'll pass

Based. Like holy shit the only next gen game I was excited for. What the fuck is wrong with Snoy.

Do it

>poorly programmed game runs badly on good hardware
color me surprised. fuck capcom

dont buy any game console
i still have 2 or 3 ps4 games thay are literally unplayable fps wise
all because they decided to make game consoles like cell phones
not like theres any good new games in the first 4 years of a console anyways lol

>schizo twitter rant
tell me more

Three words: "Cites can rebuild."

what exclusives does it even have?

SeX haver here, what makes it hold back Village? I was under the impression that the series S would hold a game back before ps5 did.

what a massive huge piece of shit. It's like those faggot Ricers pretending that their Toyota is a Ferrari by putting in artificial engine sounds

How can it be holding it back if Capcom is planning PS4 and Xbox One ports?

I’m still buying one

The S targets 1080p-1440p, so it can afford to run games at similar settings and framerate. The PS5 targets 2160p, [4K].

That was facebook.

What the heck is artificial engine sounds?

Oh. Point still stands, though.

He means playing a recording of another engine sound

it's what they put in electric cars so it sounds like a real car

Ah, so they’re gonna try to force the ps5 to do 4K, even when it can’t, so that way they aren’t btfo by SeX?

>originally cross gen game
>decide to do next gen features and stuff and drop the last gen
>runs well on series x and PC, but PS5 can't handle them
>have to scale back for PS5
>might as well make cross gen versions now

Bluepoint seems to be doing well with the hardware. A shame about Halo's troubles.

Attached: 49996607922_7dbdff741c_k.jpg (2048x1152, 373.06K)

Remake of a PS3 game.

>6 hour game for $70

It runs 4K@60 at Xbox SeX according to Dusk Golem. Seems like PS5 only problem.

DeS is 20 hours. Altough it's still short AF unless they added 6th archstone of course.

You already got BTFO in your other thread, kiddo. It's the dogshit Series S holding it back, and next gen in general, not Playstation. Microsoft is ruining it for everyone as usual because of their retarded ghetto budget edition console.

Meanwhile, in the land of 16 TFLOPS.

Attached: halo.jpg (522x338, 44.44K)

Dont xbox and ps4 have the same zen 2 architecture?

more snoy cope


Resident evil village will be the worst RE , it already look like it's uglier than last of us 2 and way shorter too, capcom has no excuse

>eats up 350 watts to run games worse than the xsx at 315 watts
Hope you snoys enjoy paying more on your electricity bill too lmao

>ps5 is holding back REVIII performance

Am I wrong here, or was the only reason for halo’s delay due to people making fun of the graphics?