The Last of Us, Part II

Now that the dust has settled, what do we think of Abby, bros?

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I unironically liked Abby. A lot in fact even then Ellie probably should have killed her at the end though.

Abby did nothing wrong besides sparing Ellie.

I am halfway through the game as we speak, I'll get back to you when im done

Incredibly based omegakino protagonist.

>character is universally hated
>suddenly Zig Forums pretends to love them
why does this always happen?

Attached: abby.png (540x405, 167.76K)

The only people who hate Abby are:
>Zig Forums virgins threatened by a muscular woman (she ain't even ugly, Jocelyn Mettler is objectively attractive)
>autistic fanboys who can't get over that she hurt their heckin good Joelerino

Abby is based, more fun to play as Ellie, and is brought to life by a career-defining performance from Laura Bailey.

Attached: jocelyn.png (771x774, 1.29M)

She's alright. Her hateboner is pretty autistic though.

To be fair, you do need to have a 3 digit iq to like Abby.

What are your thoughts on the game/story so far, user?

good, i have a feeling her reputation will age well since people are getting over the initial memes and shock

I'm glad that trannies get more representation under the form of a hideous roided up creatura who's shown violently murdering a popular male protagonist, anything that can portray trannies mental landscape accurately is a positive

Not even muscle fags like her

Mary sue, but I like her capacity for extreme violence.

Just look at her

Now that the dust has settled, how many dicks did OP suck?

Her game sections were actually more enjoyable than Ellie's.

Despite the fact that I knew joel dies and Ellie lets Abby live before playing it, I am enjoying it, I would be enjoying it a lot more if I didn't know what would happen though.

I like Abby because at least I can sympathize with her, unlike that cuck faggot Ellie.

She was based. A fit god who bashed the shit out of infected with her bare hands while virgin Ellie used a pocket knife.

Abby X Uzaki

She’s based. Should’ve killed Ellie too

Didn't really cared for her character desu.

Token Asian guy was best boy.

this place isn't as big as you think it is. using Zig Forums as a gauge for things is a bad idea

have sex polcel

one of the few vidya characters that gets away with vengeance without any repercussions

Literally all her friends were killed

Zig Forums is hyperbolic contrarian.
Every "What do I/we think of" thread is a dog whistle for contrarian shitposting

Wrong I love her

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I can see why people might like her, but when she's initially introduced she's literal dogshit. At the end of the game they basically give her comparable personality traits to Joel at the end of the previous game.

Joel had a much more complicated moral decision to make. Abby isn't forced into any situations like that at all. Ellie should have left her to die.

I love her. She brought Sony to their knees.

Pretty based

Shouldve killed ellie tho

Samefagging or hugboxing is the only way to keep tlou2 threads alive more then 70 posts now

>Abby isn't forced into any situations like that at all
Abby chooses to save someone she barely knows out of guilt for her savage murder of Joel - that required an actual moral calculus on her part and an actual sense of altruism. Joel just did what any father would do.

Abby was a handsome man.