Why is Wind Waker the most hated 3D Zelda here? It gets more hate than Skyward Sword

Why is Wind Waker the most hated 3D Zelda here? It gets more hate than Skyward Sword.

Attached: The Legend of Zelda - The Wind Waker.jpg (800x1141, 152.03K)

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Nah, TP is the worst 3D .

It sure does...oh wait i almost forgot hating it today.
Fuck Wind Waker.
Phew now i feel better.

The visual design never stopped being a source of contention, people still cry about the tri-force quest even though it's since been corrected, and people just generally hate the gamecube.

Attached: iu.jpg (550x471, 36.75K)

>people just generally hate the gamecube
I've found the opposite to be true, the GameCube is second only to perhaps the N64 as the most undeservedly loved console ever.

Attached: cube.jpg (1280x720, 144.66K)


>literally the easiest game in the series
>getting filtered
Just admit it: you "like" it only because of Midna r34.

did anyone play skyward sword?

>le Zig Forums is one person meme is still propagated in 2020

it's all so tiresome

I think this is a new phenomenon but you're right. Also that Woz guy is never not in my recommends despite never watching a video by him.