how is the man cave coming along?
Battle station thread
I bought a new chair but I hate it
I mostly just put my laptop on my mattress
i need to clean my shit
post the other side of this dorm
I'm going to finish building my desk later today if you keep this thread alive until then ill be your best friend
admiring the throne my liege
repostin from earlier
thats alot of stuff
posted mine last thread
have an older pic
damn user
dont know if i want to continue stardew valley or jump back into NMS
im stuck in limbo here
Now you can shitpost like a king.
Wallmounting your PC has a ton of benefits, wish I had done it sooner.
(brick wall, expanding dowels, it's safe)
you will NEVER solve that cube
Buying shit from IKEA now that I got a paycheck in.
>Billy bookcase
>LINNMON tabletop (black/plywood)
>LERBERG tretle (grey)
I should frame the Inio Asano custom art I got too, but I need to measure it first.
The scratches those shelves are going to leave on your desk will be epic.
dude you have a problem with consumerism. imagine how much this cost
I like it, but it's definitely soulless.
The cable management is giving me a hard-on
I'm undecided if I should get a new monitor for the dual screen setup. This new one being a 27'' 120hz IPS, I found one in a good deal.
Or get a Big Tv screen to wallmount for comfy gaming in my bed.
>"Battle station"
my god you guys are pathetic
The wording is gay, but there's meaning behind how gay it is. Zig Forums culture fluctuates as the years go on, but some words mean the same no matter what decade it is.
this is the best i've seen
Shaggy from Netflix Scooby Doo
OST by Radiohead
>man cave
someone post a sojak to this, I don't have any saved
Can't really call it a man cave if my gf is basically around 24/7 though
get a cheap 1080p60hz IPS and set it up vertically for browsing and other content
also, nice servant choice
Slytherin chad, I hope your chakra points are doing well.
>top hat
>King's throne
>Grandfather clock
>best girl from Death Note
>wine table
>actual wooden furniture and not Ikea crap
>weeb shit kept to an absolute minimum
>leopard curtains
10/10 would tip my fedora and kneel in your presence m'lord.
user NO
Are adjustable desks a meme, or actually worth it? I was considering one for working.
What does he do all day?
>Desk is 75x75cm.
>Can't change it, due to not having space in my London appartment*
>* translate note: appartment means one room.
Feels small, man.
>that desk
I can see fitting a monitor on it, but where do you put your keyboard and mouse? on the bench part at the bottom?
>one pillow
nice try
>man cave
Is that what gay guys call a bedroom?
thats why i have duct tape on the bottom of the legs to prevent this
god I want this lifestyle so much
>mfw I have that exact same desk, drawers, monitor arm, case, and monitor
What the fuck user, are you me?
kek user, that's the leg.
not that weird, my gf doesn't use one with how comfy our top mattress is.