How goes your SS4 run, anons? What enemy is pissing you off the most? Whats you're favorite new gun/mechanic?
How goes your SS4 run, anons? What enemy is pissing you off the most? Whats you're favorite new gun/mechanic?
Curently pirating so see how my shitbox runs this game (if it does at all).
godspeed user, i hope it works out
And here is is
Just got to chapter 11 and now everything is pink
i saw someone else having that issue. Have you tried restarting it? Maybe changing the renderer and changing back if its persisting.
Being in the shade makes the colors look normal. I guess it's the sun
gonna wait for the game to get fixed up, is there any good mods for the previous games that I should check out in the meantime?
Its around 50 to 100 more monsters on the screen at once than previous Sam games. But yeah, no thousands of monsters.
holy shit the quarry battle, 10/10
new COD?
Hellfire is cute. CUTE!
>wander around, get instantly blown up by random artillery
>charge forward, get gunned down
>zero direction whatsoever
So what the fuck do I do?
yeah it was great, the chainsaw launcher is op it can 1-hit the not-barons of hell
>she will never castrate you with a flurry of shots from her minigun
Why live?
croteam really stepped their game up with secrets, they're ridiculously well hidden
i guess eternal spoiled me with piss easy "secret" hunting
get serious.
take your meds schizo
Restarting didn't fix it, switching graphics API didn't fix it. Only chapter 11 has this weird pink lighting, and it's only affecting certain areas of the map. I think Croteam fucked something up here
maybe try verifying your game files?
looks fucking rad bro. i'm jealous
Reminder: Gameplay wise, great game, old good serious sam!
Funnily enough that makes the level look better. It would just be brown and grey otherwise.
Damn that sucks. Verifying files or reinstalling may be your only hope. Or just push through and see if the next mission is fixed. I'm coming up on this level, i hope it doesnt happen to me. I definitely saw this happen to another couple people
actually answering OP's question:
>pyro enemies suck, both flamethrower niggas and ashen niggas, not fun to fight at all
>dracula enemy is cool on the level he's introduced, further usage is lame
Honestly most of the new enemies are lame. doesn't make mowing down gnaars and possesed/headless soldiers any less fun, though.
Dual wielding is FANTASTIC though, really implemented well. I didn't like the idea at first, but the amount of enemies thrown at you really makes it necessary sometimes.
I struggle to keep over 90fps 1080p on a 2070 on high, it's a demanding game, the visuals just don't warrant it. SS3 was the same when it came out, nobody could run it well on high settings.
i agree with that. Its the presentation and technical issues that hold it back. I think this game shits on BFE and SS2 easily
So I stumbled across Jonathan Blow playing SS4 yesterday. Kinda unexpected.
they were really smart how they implemented dual wielding. I was worried it was going to be flat out superior way of playing once it was unlocked but the accuracy knock makes it situational. Also the addition of alternate fire on weapons makes it where youre giving up quite a bit to do it. It's still really really good but just like everything else about sam combat theres a time and place for it
So is this a game that I should purchase now, or wait a few months for it to get some patches in it before I play it through?
i ran it on ultra on a 1gb card
what are you smoking
ss3 wasn't demanding at all
>reading comprehension
Any patches yet?
So I know the legion system was intended to just be a trick to make you think there's more going on, but why do they only use it like 3 times ever? Why did the dev diaries talk about how fucking rad this shit was and then much of the game is driving around mostly empty levels
¿the reason why ss4 runs like shit its because the carmack tier programmer left croteam?
small indie company held together dog shit and cum
please understand and buy our buggy mess