Game comes out

>game comes out
>Zig Forums doesn't hate it
What could ever bring this result? I literally cannot think of anything, in the realm of possibility, that could save this game for the board.

Attached: EbX8hZdWoAEX7xC.jpg (1920x1079, 389.85K)

Zig Forums is wrong about everything. all they want to play is lolibait weebtrash coomerbait gacha garbage.

Well... No trannies, literally all the gunplay mechanics remade from scratch, the atmosphere actually being "cyberpunk" (whatever the fuck Zig Forums deems that to be), bring back all the classes they said they'd have, vehicle customization, a good story, the old female protag model, etc. etc.

Let's be real here, what makes you think this game will be good?

if it isn't shit

>big brother tells him so

Liberal politics and BLM being forced in games makes me immediately pull my wallet back and my pirate saber out

I'm looking forward to it.

This is what I'm thinking aswell. No part of the game seems special. Right now I'm expecting a 6/10(at best) cyberGTA with tacked on RPG elements.


i think just by principle alone there's enough content jammed into the open world of the game that it becomes too big to fail to some extent. they can fuck up the main story, the characters, whatever else, but there'll still be environments to explore, weapons to find, just a bunch of shit to do that can still be fun. but that's just a maybe, regardless i'm interested to see if a game can actually be too big to fail.

aside from my personal liking of the visuals shown and the theme, there isn't any one thing i'd use to say the game will be good, and as such that's not what this thread is about. it's about Zig Forums already hating it, calling it a failure, and if that's possible to change.