Fuck Kitase

Fuck Kitase
Fuck Toriyama
Fuck Tabata
And especially FUCK NOMURA


Attached: And that's a good thing.png (1180x1381, 1.23M)

Devil May Crystal looks like DmC (yes, not a capital "m") and I hope it bombs and takes the entire franchise down with it for good.

>people are excited to play a Devil may Cry knock off

Good those has-beens were dragging down the series

Hating Nomura is a meme
He makes great games


>a, and b tagline

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>western sickdark fantasy ripoff setting
>button mashing DMC combat
>ugly and generic art style
>no party system
It's pretty underwhelming so far.

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dude directed TLR so I'm so in
that game and dragon's dogma are great pleb filters
also yoshiP is cool

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neck yourself

>button mashing DMC combat
Casuals getting filtered. This dude has never played Dragon's Dogma lmao

Shit man, are you retarded? DMC is already turbo casual, but DD is even more casual.

>and that's a good thing!

>X is Y, and that's Z!
I've grown to hate this sentence structure.

>and that's a good thing!
confirmed garbage

>and thats a good thing
>let me tell you what to think dear consooooomer

This game has no hype

>this thread again
Gas him up with the webms and watch him go
Stand back, stand clear as he puts on a show
So dumb yet fierce, is he from hell?
I cannot tell, yet I don’t even want to know
So you wanna be a Noctis stan?
Flinging shit like a XV fan?
Then post some shit and watch him brag
It’s time to feel the cope of th

Attached: SO YOU THINK YOU CAN RIDE THIS CHOCOBO.png (220x408, 108.77K)

Is this shitpost making a resurgence?

that's a good thing - here's why - here's why you should be worried - and that's okay - and it's beautiful - and it's terrifying - etc.

>and that's great
Fucking retarded journalists trying to brainwash you

>tfw got TLR from a humble bundle years ago and only played it for a few minutes
I'm too retarded for the battle system, wtf

keep going as it takes some getting used to but when you get the hang of it it's really fun setting up squads


Great games, all averaged between 68 and 88 on metacritic, not even a single 9/10, Oof

his problem is focusing too much in certain areas
he can learn a lot from yoshida
a game with them would be good

>Here's what you're supposed to think, goy.

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>lightning returns
>pleb filter
If you can perfect block you can beat the entire game with your starter gear.

>and that’s a good thing!
Literally kys you’reself

they think the game will play DMC5 kek
it play closer to automata.

>he worked on tranny 14 and that's a good thing
fuck off
16 looks worse than XV

This game is going to suck so much dick, Final Fantasy is so dead at this point it's nuts, looks so aesthetically similar to 14 and 15 that I am already bored of it from 1 trailer. Combat also looked like 15 garbage.

remember when Zig Forums used to shit on the last remnant daily for years? during the 360/ps3 era?