What's more important in a video game? Cutscenes or gameplay?
What's more important in a video game? Cutscenes or gameplay?
I know usually every generation thinks the one after them sucks, but I have to admit millenials are the worst generation of all time, zoomers are a step up
Didn't terraria come out like 10 years ago?
At least zoomoids are fully aware just how much they suck, the millenial generation has this problem of living their lives through powertrips.
didn't Zig Forums - hideo dames suck CDPR's cock not a while ago?
fucking lmaoing @ boomers right now. go and play some shitty ps1 game you old fuck.
I'm actually 1999
>made by passionate independent developers
Cope boomer.
FPBP. Millennials really are the cancer that's destroying this country. I'm on the line between millennial and zoomer and I prefer to identify with the zoomers for this reason. Also, the 7th generation of gaming was the ultimate dominance of millennial and their ideas. It's what you get when you let millennials and their taste rule the industry. The 8th generation was a massive step up due to zoomers having better taste.
a story doesnt have to be told through cutscenes user
Despite being wojakshit, this image is really hard to argue with. My generation truly is a garbage one who would rather watch a movie than play a game.
Depends on the mode. If I want to be comfy I put on something like persona 5 which is cutscene heavy.
If I wan't to feel accomplished I put on something that tests my skills with just raw gameplay
I’m in my mid 30s and a millennial, I didn’t grow up playing any of those games. I thought “core”, when used as a suffix, meant the high points of whatever you’re talking about. So millennial-core would be shit like SNES and whatnot. Am I mistaken?
Zoomers are the divided generation so generalizing them is really funny.
millenials (my generation) are just unhealthy so doing anything is really difficult for them.
Both have value in conjunction, games can pretty much be anything, hard focusing on one aspect is also viable there isn't really a most important aspect unless its your personal taste
But when the zoomers reach the age of the millennials won't they ask for the same pseudo bullshit, while the then younger generation will be all about fun gameplay? Is this really a generational difference and not just an age one?
Fortnite is fascist propaganda.
depends how unhealthy zoomers are as a generation.
millennials are really unhealthy so they love movie games.
my guess is 50% of zoomers will love them 50% will hate them due to an increased knowledge of health. however lots of zoomers will be totally addicted to social media hell garbage and demand it in every game.
Hmmm didn’t see this angle before.
What’s next for us millenialbros now that we’ve been btfo?
>I'm on the line between millennial and zoomer and I prefer to identify with the zoomers
you're missing the point that zoomers WATCH those games on youtube, not actually play them
mids 30s too, for some reason they call us boomers even though we aren't close to the baby boomer generation not sure what they consider millennial.
Both are bad. The best games ever made always had a healthy mix of both
>free of politics
The left is true, millenials have shit taste in video games. Millenials are the reason the sony ponystation is so popular.
Zoomers, however, don't even play games. Millenials indeed love moviegames and hate gameplay, but zoomers literally do not even play games. They just watch streamers and other low IQ shit online.
You don't actually play snoy either
Millennials aren't the ones who turned America into Brazil 2.0.
This image is retarded. Zoomers are all faggots and trannies
Good point, and the zoomers will also have the benefit of seeing where millennial tastes brought their games, and might be a bit wiser for it. But yeah, there'll likely be some other thing that they like that will drag down games, and social media shit seems like a top contender.
>Millennials aren't the ones who turned America into Brazil 2.0.
Yes you are.
>30 year old lifelong incels walking around endless consooming products. Don't own a own, lifelong renter. No wife, no white children. "Oh that would affect my lifestyle, I just want to masturbate all day and browse the internet and play video games all my life." Can't cook, eats out most days per week or microwaves frozen food.
Millennials are antisocial consoomer retards who refuse to participate in society, you only want to consoom.
Yeah but it wasn’t nearly as popular as it is now
How is it the fault of children when adults open up the borders for every monkey that wants to cross? Millennials did nothing to turn America into a shithole.
I was born in 1988, have never played anything on the left, and have played a handful on the right. I don't like movie games as I grew up with arcades.
Millennials were born around 1988 so they would have grown up with SNES and PS1, PS2
I was only born in 1990, the only games I want to play on the left are Witcher 3 and RDR 2. The only game on the right that I haven't played yet is Hollow Knight, and I have it on the switch.
I find gameplay > cutscenes, but cutscenes in a game can be nice if I could skip them and if they are not extremely long.
Fuck off, Wojakshitter.