Arrogant Sony Returns
Sony’s charging $90 for an 11 year old game
When has snoy not been like that?
>it's okay when nintendo does it
They were pretty humbled by the 360/Wii imo
is nintendo charging 90$ for a rehash?
>pay $90 for a PS3 game
Xbox SeX
>Put in old game for free, instantly run at 4k (higher resolution than nu-Demons Souls)
>pay to have extra shit at the start
imagine actually being this bad at video games
>Play the original Demon's Souls with Fromsoft's art direction, and authentic atmosphere with a consistent 60fps and 4k for $0
>Play a butchered revisioning of the original game by a different studio who can't tell the difference between Roman and Gothic architecture, with the usual "cinematic" camera, burning tree logs and the patented Sony fps dips for $60 + $30percent california tip
Wow, I can't decide
Could you explain how should date of first development of a game factor in the price? Thanks.
I'm not saying the developer should not charge that much. I'm saying only sonydronys (nonwhites, incels, losers) are low IQ enough to pay $70 for a decade old game.
Im not poor but i think im not rich enough for next gen
>deluxe edition
If only there was a standard edition that was $20 cheaper...
>Also let's kill all our studio to make movies only
They didn't learn the right lessons
Welcome to nintendera
where a remake made from scratch with the best graphics ever made in a game is considered bad and should be given away for free
but 3 emulated roms with 4:3 aspect ratio and 20fps are totally worth $60
most sony users are used to watching movies only so when a game has some level of gameplay they need extra assistance to acclimate to the strange environment.
There is nothing inherently wrong with a higher quality product being sold for a slightly higher price. I appreciate Sony taking the time to make quality over shitting out quantity.
And publishers still pull the same nickel and dime shit as last gen, kek.
Pathetic. What is the digital deluxe content?
>$70 for a remake
enjoy paying $70 for those spiderman enhancements too
No one is happy with anything and no one can change anything for consoles!
Everyone will pay 70 for it, on pc or xbox or ps and you cant stop them! They will rererelease it again too!
Don't care.
Still pre-ordering PlayStation 5.
>Snoys say $70 will make publishers stop behaving like Jews
>Publishers get even more Jewish
Meanwhile Series X comes with a free 4k remaster of RDR
This is exactly it.
Pricier deluxe editions isn't a new thing
Quality has it's price and it's a good barrier to keep retarded poorfags out of the mp.
Holy cr*p is that a heckin port of a 15 year old game?
You know the game is an irrefutable masterpiece when cucked platforms have to scratch the bottom of the barrel bitching about the price of special editions
>best graphics ever made in a game
Don't care, still buying it
That's not the official boxart is it? Looks really generic
Leave Sony to us
Imagine still buying a PS5 after they lied to you about "believing in new generations" by announcing to support PS4 for 4 years, including making Horizon 2 a PS4 game.
Imagine still buying a PS5 after they raised the prices on PS5 by $10, while keeping PS4 cross-gen games normal priced.
Imagine still buying a PS5 when all they can do is buy timed exclusivity deals and exclusive DLCs, while the competitor keeps buying actual full studios.
Imagine sitll buying a PS5 after all the censoring.
Imagine still buying a PS5 after they announced you have to pay $70 to get Spiderman Remastered even if you previously owned the game.
Imagine still buying a PS5 after they lied in your face about 4k60 modes (DS is 1440p)
Imagine still buying a PS5 after they said prices need to be higher to have less MTX, then they release a deluxe edition for a PS3 Remake with pre-order bonuses and skin DLCs
Nice projection nintenfat
are Bluepoint (who aren't even game developers) going to shove fanfic shit into the game?
Based and Sonypilled.
>Looks really generic
Of course it is. Its a Sony product.
This. The difference between Sonybros and Nintendies is like night and day.
>nintendo does well
Sonybros: Congrats, man! Good to see you're doing well; thriving game companies create competition, and competition is not only vital to the health of the industry, but creates better rights for us, the consumers. Man, I'm glad we have such a great variety to choose from.
>sony has a slight dip
I wish they'd just ban any mention of Nintendo at this point. Get rid of these literal children.
How the fuck is Sony getting away with killing used games AND raising prices at the same fucking time?
>Imagine sitll buying a PS5 after all the censoring.
are you actually expecting anyone that isn't a pedophile to care about this?
So, can we safely say that the ps5 is a complete repeat of the ps3?
I think this art is charming. It’s generic but in a good way. Reminds me of old fantasy action games for the Amiga if anything.
>No games
You’re missing my while point. People defended $70 games by arguing that devs would chill with nickel and diming, and then Sony turns around and does this.
I like how all the Snoys are deflecting by saying “Nintendo does it too!” when everyone already knows Nintendo is the most Jewish company alive.
Now that i think about it and besides demon souls, what does it have?
That furry high school game