Dead or Alive

What is your opinion of Tina Armstrong from the Dead or Alive series?

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How big is her dick?

_____ ___ ___

Made for uncut latino cock.

She's okay, I never really used her.

For me, it's Kasumi

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Who? Oh, right, that manface who couldn't even get into DOAX3.


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Bros... i forgot to gift 30 treasure chests. Tell me how big i fucked up. I am afraid to log in the game now.

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God I wanna suck on those milkers

If I were Bass I'd lock her into a permanent mating press.

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this is 18 years old in japan

She was the one who always made my willy the stiffest tbqhwyf.

that would be quite inconvenient for both of you

That's how 14y old look around the world with all the estrogen in the water.

talk about water turning the frogs gay

I prefer these maidens.

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Designed for Lisa

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I want Mila to NTR Lisa, and then Lisa fucks Mila with huge dildo as a revenge.

I love Kasumi!

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Fuck, why is Patty on banner with those 2. I pull nothing but Ayane all the time.

I don't get it.

>SR suits
>gold, silver, bronze chests
>onyx stones
>2 separate shops for poses and other owner room items
Good lord this is gonna take fucking forever without trendies.

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I'm glad I just don't care about this event at all. Shame it lasts 2 weeks.

She's on like 3 different banners if you use paid stones for the step up and on the 19 girl banner if you don't.


Spent 15k hoping to get at least one trendy, but I rolled primarily to have enough fragments to complete September SSR ticket. Don't think I'm gonna roll until the old DC trendy banner is posted.

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With a free roll every day, I'm not even spending stones on it.

How does the Malfunction look for the DC SSR?

Bigger than her boyfriend's.

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Is Tina more for Lisa or Mila?

And I just got Hitomi for free. Neat.

This dandonfuga has got talent but all his drawings look soo alike

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Lisa claimed her first

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Based. Now post the pregnant versions.

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