More like Genshart Shitpact amirite?
Can we PLEASE talk a out the actual game instead of America/Americans? Keep that shit on Zig Forums.
More like Genshart Shitpact amirite?
Can we PLEASE talk a out the actual game instead of America/Americans? Keep that shit on Zig Forums.
any BLACKED art yet?
>First 5*
>is Jean
>Worst 5*
Bros don't tell me it's true
>tfw got all the characters I wanted except Qiqi
american can eat SHIT
Why do americans hate this game so much bros?
God I hate playing this on phone. I wish I had a better pc.
I just want fucking Jean.
SEETHING mutts are being filtered and will never get to see Amber's thighs. Sad!
luv me maid knight
simple as
is there any benefit to doing the 10x wishes over one at a time, other than getting through it quicker?
fuck off noellefag, you're the barry of these threads
MC is best girl and if you don't have her in the party you're doing it wrong
Built for BBC
they're not that great.
>see that little island to the northeast
>ice walk over there like a retard because it seemed too far away for anything else
>those guardians
>that fucking eye of the storm boss
Jesus, my highest character is only level 20 and that thing is 40, have mercy. But I really liked the hidden quest to even make it spawn.
None. Singles are technically better cause you can stop at a 5*
Saved me the 11GB, guess I've seen them now and don't need to install.
I'm gonna try it out on me phone
The things literally say you're guaranteed high rewards when you roll 10
Anons please help, my installer(pc) won't launch but it show it's running as background process in the task manager
yeah, you don't waste time opening thew menu and making wishes one at a time.
Wouldn't be surprised if you had better drop rates too.
get a controller for phone?
Is she viable for end-endgame? Noelle is so cute and sweet bros she always stood by my side even during the shittiest rolls
Is barbara useless if you have the 5* healer already
>game bricks phone (emulators)
good to know
No controller support for phone.
did you try rebooting your pc?
the chinks are already in it
i think that's after even ten rolls, regardless if you did them separately or as a 10x
>big tanky ass
The game literally says if you do a 10x roll you're guaranteed a 4* which is normally about a 5% chance.
yeah why dont you go back to your general? people seem to be discussing it there
Geo is likely to get a buff once the tan geo-tailored loli is released
So what dailies are there that I need to be doing?
How long/annoying do the fights become at world level 1 for an f2p with no 5*?
>tfw rolled a 5*
>it's a fire faggot instead of a loli waifu
T-thanks I guess
Dollar store BoTW. It could have at least been better looking, but it's actually an uglier game. Not having a piss filter over everything is the only thing it does right. You can see the ways they attempted to rip off BoTW, like grass lighting of fire, and how cheap and lazy it it looks in comparison.
Who do i get for free? I got Lisa, that guy, and Amber. I am AR 18. Who can i get next?
So far i only pulled twice from beginner and got Qiqi. Am i good to go?
level up her sword and give her artifacts to increase her health. shes a tank with a soft ass
You have to get to AR12 or something
So to start off the thread, may I ask why this game has such invasive anti-cheat if it's a singleplayer game? Why does a singleplayer game actively prevent people from modifying it or doing anything they want with it?
>w-well they have to sell the gacha and lootboxes!
And why the hell is that in a singleplayer game? It's already absurd enough seeing it in multiplayer, but this is next level merchant trickery. I would've unironically preferred the game having a standard pricetag with no anti-cheat or gacha. But then the chinese wouldn't be able to milk the landwhales, would they?
For all the heat I give BOTW, at least it doesn't install an NSA backdoor into my computer.
I'm on pc tho, my friend's works well but mine not
No just their website because I havent been able to access it for a week
guess they're helping me dodge a bullet
Yeah, Nintendo invented grass getting on fire.
chef girl from spiral abyss is also free
Well good for you.
Now you don't have to play the game.
Is your pc that shitty?
Pretty sure it's not really hard to run, mine has a fucking radeon 480.
And Dauntless is a cheap copy of MH, yet it is a good f2p game. What's the fucking issue? It won't stop anyone from buying BotW2 when it comes out.
>Who do i get for free?
Xingliang and Barbara at AR 20
I did [Spoiler]twice[/Spoiler]
Wow they sure don't teach you critical thinking skills in China do they, Chang?
Also, anticheats are pretty much standard for big gachas nowadays
Fuck off and shill your CCP spyware somewhere else, wumao.
What do I do when I pull a character I want to use but don't have any good weapons?
Holy shit I failed
It's not a general if the game is less than 2 days old dude
Gachashit Impact has no place on this board. Always online, games as a service casinos are not video games.
Genshin Impact is just a flavour of the month game. It will be banished to /vmg/ once people get bored of it and only the hardcore masochists are left.
Who Barbara? She good?
It's a gacha.
They make money off people NOT cheating.
They spent 100 million dollar to MAKE money, and that means ripping off the whales.
Am I missing something, or is the PC controller setting reset every time you restart the game? I'm having to go in and change it from M+KB to controller every single time I boot up the game.
>sonykeks will never experience kino BotW so they have to download some chink malware game that literally steals assets from it and is also gacha trash
You cannot make this up, I am having a laugh
give them a crap weapon and level it up
Just do ctrl+S. Unless you're phoneposting in which case stop phoneposting.
You have 4* sword at least.
This is unironically why I'm still playing through all the cringey anime shit. Climbing and gliding around in a comfy ass world with no clear objective, stumbling on new things and events rather than obsessively working on a checklist. The developers seemed to actually understand the elements they were stealing from BotW, what made them good and why they were there, and then expanded upon them.
The fact that they don't make you slip in the rain is proof that they actually had brains in their head and weren't BLINDLY copying Zelda. Also I'm shocked that they actually put some effort into the random sidequests, they aren't great but they bother to put a little story into a lot of them so I give them some credit for that.
You can say what you will about gacha shit and Chinese spyware and that could all be true but underneath that it seems like the actual devs of the game gave a fuck.
Shit this might actually be what's going on.
It's hard to sell Geo cause all Geo reactions are defensive shit.
How important are 5 star characters anyway? Is it enough to clear the story and stuff like that? I have rolled the 4 star alchemist girl but I'd rather just play Lisa anyway
Is the MC/FeMC any good? I think she looks really cute and her orb skill that sucks in the elements nearby is cool.
I love Paimon
But why? Do you really need That much control over something that another person pays for? You can't fathom the idea that someone won't pay you 500 dollars for a waifu skin? It's no better than me paying 60 bucks for a denuvo game, only to be unable to play it because an online check failed randomly, and now they think I pirated the game, so it bricks my computer.
idol magic girl water based. you can try he in the events tab
>stealing valuable information
Do you read what you write?
I pulled Shingling and all I have for her is a 3 star spear with the effect of "Deal bonus damage to slime"
yeah really.
No idea though try some of the followings
>kill the launcher and start it as admin
>delete it and re download it
>write a letter to the great Winnie the poo, saying you'll send him money
>cry in your bed while sending a prayer to whoever you believe is the most apt at giving you what you want
You can not like BOTW and still consider this gacha shit to be infinitely worse. This transcends console wars.
The ass game in this is amazing
The director is truly a man of culture
Heads up, this game is surprisingly CPU intensive, so if you've got something like a 4th gen i5, expect some CPU-related performance drops in more intensive areas.
its great when it rains cus then my waifu Lisa becomes an all powerful goddess
Gachas are completely based at the money they earn when you pay for rolls, if someone discovers a way to cheat in the game, it is pretty much doomed
>surprisingly CPU intensive
Gee I wonder why
Literally anyone can play your botw shit for free and with even polish it with mods. Yet everyone still call it a piece of trash. A turd is still a turd.
>playing on controller with the absurd controls
i play m+kb, and amber is fun as fuck like that.
It's fucking easy peasy
Why are people comparing BOTW one is clear superior
it's multiplayer and it's a gacha so they don't want people missing out on spending thousands of dollars by cheating in characters
I dropped grafix to low, still looks fine.
The sensitivity is all fucked up with m+kb though which is why I don't want to bother with it. Even changing the settings doesn't seem to help.
Why does everyone hate Amber?
botw looks that bad?
i like amber shes a buuny
>one is clearly superior
Yeah, but where is Terraria in that image?
Keep producing these propaganda webms i need to post them on nu-nintendo generals to farm (you)'s
Do you guys add friends? All i did so far was few dungeons i co-op joined. Is there anything more than that?
BotW has to run on a glorified smartphone and is x-years old.
Boring character, mediocre voice actor.
can some non-coombrain tell me if this game is worth the download? It looks kinda fun but if the actual combat is brain-dead, or if you hit a hard gacha-wall within hours, then I don't really want to bother.
>uglier than BotW
This is a smartphone game...
this is a bad f2p game and if people let shit like this be successful it's a terrible precedent for other publishers to follow
GI looks better, that's true.
But the physics of BotW make it the better game.
I wish i could goof off as link time-stopping a rock, just to hurl it and himself halfway accross the world.
>BotW has to run on a glorified smartphone
Doesn't Genshin have to run on LITERAL smartphones?
>Get best dps character
It is. I got some Ragnarok vibes with the elements and anime artstyle. It can carry its own weight with a fun to explore world.
Can't wait for the doujins.
Did you like Breath of the Wild? Do you like lootbox (gacha) mechanics? If you answered no to either of these questions stay far away.
Dude, it's another chinkshit garbage
Nah. I downloaded it, played for like 6 hours, and the wall hit. This game is padded the fuck out with grinding.
Modern smartphones have more power than Switch has.
Is my PS4 account unique?
Or can I transfer to PC/Mobile anytime?
Don't mind me, just here to laugh at the seething Euros ITT
It's busy installing CCP backdoor onto your system
I thought it was burgers. Which is it, chang?
I agree, but it is kind of late to be saying that.
grindy shit
There's no gacha wall besides one endgame dungeon, you can beat the game with Noelle and the protagonist. The combat albeit being simple is fun enough and unlike certain games the exploration never feels like a drag
bitcoin mining is GPU intensive dumb mutt
How the fuck do i enter that fucking tower?
where exactly? i have more than six hours in
>Dungeons have chests scattered around that are easy enough to find
>there's a few harder to find chests if you're willing to explore a little.
Chink shit has godawful pop-in in the actual game though, way worse then botw.
I want to be feMC as a doujin character
I can't take this man fucking chink spyware won't fucking run even I let myself to install it motherfucking xi jinping
No rerolls for now. There is supposed to be a thing on their website that let's you delete your save on your PSN account but it is not out yet.
you don't really hit the gacha wall, but the actual combat is braindead.
Every characters has one combo string, a charged attack, 1 elemental skill and 1 elemental burst move(ultimate attack, i guess)
Elemental combos are ok, but it's mainly various degrees of more damage.
I hated BotW because progress was fucked and the game got insanely tedious and repetitive shortly after leaving the plateau. Does GI have similar issues?
Is there some kind of guide to the most efficient use of free shit they give you?
You cannot transfer between PS4 and any other platform.
i hear you cant transfer from ps4 but you can on mobile to pc and vice versa
Amerimutts are seething because no black protagonist or tranny romance.