What makes Tifa stand the test of time?
What makes Tifa stand the test of time?
her tits
wow! Look at those awoooga boooogas!
Coomer nostalgia, seen as "classically sexy" like a vintage hot rod. A "timeless design", same as Lara Croft
Simple girl-next-door design, best limit line/fight style, caring. What more could you want?
She has no flaws. There is literally no reason you would not want her to be your girlfriend. There is nothing to dislike. She's written and designed to be perfect. There's no mystery.
She's a good girl and hot as fuck.
leaving everything to take care of your vegetable ass
She's the perfect wife. She stood by Cloud when he was a vegetable. Every man wants a woman like her.
I love Tifa
Everyone saying Tits is wrong and not a true Tifa fan
what went so wrong
1:1 fags on suicide watch
Global rule 2.
this seems more like old Zig Forums stuff than anything else I've seen in awhile.
>peepoo lol!
More like underage shit.
I'm gonna VOOM
Fat people am I right?
why do I feel like grabbing a tall glass of milk all of a sudden?
kuffar are born to be simps and paypig for Muslim women like momokun and pokimane.
really makes me want to get a chubby chick pregnant and lock her in my basement, only giving her water, folic acid and semen to keep her alive while she loses weight until she gives birth and has these huge saggy milkbags and i now thinner.
Holy fuck call dr freud i think i just turned a screw on my psyche
Being in one of the most advertised and hyped games ever made. Also tits. And being one of the best females in the series, though that isn't saying much for Final Fantasy. There's hundreds of better female characters in other JRPG series. Final Fantasy just does all their other female characters so much worse. Tifa is basically just Rosa from FFIV in personality and role in the plot.
What are you on about?
Rosa: no character growth whatsoever, her relationship with the MC never wavers, the only useful thing she accomplishes storywise is impelling Rydia to use Fire when they need it, and only contributes two kidnappings and a coma besides
Tifa: comes to realize she ignored Cloud for most of her childhood despite leaning on him as an adult, helps him unpack his emotional baggage, unchains herself from a death trap and slaps her captor's shit, and actually contributes meaningfully to combat
I don't see the comparison between the two.
>comparing based Tifa who has actual nuances to her character with fucking Rosa of all people
The thread should end here, you guys are hopeless.
Tifa never wavers from Cloud either. And she is just a foil for him. I said personality and role in the plot for a reason. Tifa stands out in combat, but her personality is literally just the usual dere Rosa type. Same as most lead girls in FF.
>muh Rosa
FFVI fags are truly pathetic and desperate.
FFVI always appear on “best game evar” losts, more so than FFVII, yet Tifa still absolutely rapes Terra and Celes in popularity.
Without Tifa the game ends at mideel. I can't think of another ff lead girl with internal conflicts like Tifa by the way.
>Without Tifa the game ends at mideel.
Without Rosa the game ends before it begins by that logic.
>I can't think of another ff lead girl with internal conflicts like Tifa by the way.
What internal conflict? You mean like the girls in FFV type of "why did I let them die?" or shitty internal conflicts like Yuna "I don't want to be a burden..." crap or Rinoa "I hate my daddy!" internal conflicts or Lightning "I won't open up to others because I have to be the generic strong female lead" or etc.