If this game bombed, why is getting a sequel? No, seriously, it would be like TMS getting a sequel despite failing TWICE. Did Nintendo itself fund it?
Monster Hunter Stories
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honestly the sequel coming out made me want to give this a shot.
It's a glorified anime/manga/toy commercial. Every company used to have one of these forced meme series back in the day
It didn't bomb on mobile.
But there is not a tie anime for the sequel. Also, the original anime was actually very successful and was massively extended.
Then why not even mobile got the updates in the west?
It bombed simply because it came out on the very ass end of the 3ds life.
I wanna buy it but fuck pulling out my 3ds. Shits been dead for years. Now that a sequel is coming to the Switch I'm all in
I originally had no interest in S1, but MHS2 looks so good, I'm definitely reconsidering trying it.
Did it actually bomb as in lose money? Or just under perform? If it's the later, I could definitely see them chalking it up to the end of 3DS lifespan numbers. Combined with the Switch's explosive success and some distribution/advertising deal with Nintendo, it's not as surprising although it's a but odd they're going with the 2 in the title.
So what will the excuse be if the Switch one bombs?
I think it's probably someone high in the MH teams' pet project. I remember them really trying to hype game, and it's obvious they really pushed the 3ds hard to the point where it performed like ass on a regular.
Name a game that bombed on switch.
>he hasn't hacked his 3DS
Didn't it do really well in Japan, though?
It did fine for a niche title. Nowhere near a regular Monster Hunter, though
monster hunter stories literally had the best girls in it
The Wonderful 101
Sushi strikers, TMS encore and that "Bomberman rip off", but i am sure MHS2 will not bomb.
But riders has more girls and they are even adding more as we speak.
Also, Deadly Premonition 2.
That aint a loli senpai
its a really underrated monster catcher/fighter and its news to me that its getting a sequel, thanks for the good news op
And this is a cute flat girl.
Best girl in this series.
But she is already taken!
Forgot the damn pic.
Don’t care, I liked it’s style, it’s maximum comfy
And I’m glad we’re getting another one on switch
You didn't know? You missed the mini direct last week? Anyway, here is the trailer.
I usually only watch the e3 directs or if I happen to see a thread right as ones starting to remind me its happening never really go out of my way to watch them.
But anyways I'm excited, the even though the first was cakewalk difficulty it was a lot of fun and comfy
Probably because of the money Monster Hunter Riders is making. On that note, it seems a year has gone by in Riders and the characters are aging.
That is a new character.
Is more MH I don't complain.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore
Plus is immune to shitposting.
Too bad riders sucks.
It's not, user. That's Kugo, the greatsword kid who was trained by Sumika and Lyla. He uses LS now. The kirin girl he's with is Selen, but now her real name, Luna was revealed.
Yeah, even Gaijin the shill shat all over it.
Not fair to bring this up when both Nintendo and ATLUS went all out of their way to ensure that it bombed.
Just like pokemon masters, people only plays it for the characters and interactions.
Also Kugo is 15 now, and Selen/Luna is 18 now, since a year's gone by.
And what about Sushi Strikers? Pic related is literally the only fanart of it that exist and is a Xbc2 crossover.
So why she was running away?
I still can't believe they used the censored version of the game as a base. Nintendo themselves even knew they fucked up since they publicly apologized to Japanese fans about not announcing it would be the censored version of the game and even allowed them to cancel preorders later than usual.