What did you think of remake Tifa?

What did you think of remake Tifa?

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Makes me want to play her game and I don’t usually like turn based jrpgs

They censored her

Soul vs soulless

Remake isn't turn based, its pretty good for an action rpg. I like it

needed bigger tits

I do like action rpgs, I have a PS4 slim but I’d really prefer to play a PC port of the game. If it goes on good enough sale for Black Friday I’ll pick it up

She doesn't compare to nu-Jessie.

Is Tifa Asian or White?

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its a pseudo german and spira universe

Asia and Europe don't exist in Final Fantasy

>Tifa is designed to look like a Japanese girl and focus on cuteness.


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Imagine giving a character smaller tits because chestlets get offended by large milkers

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thats korean

It has nothing to do with coom. It's disrespectful.

That she was all wrong and I didn't want to see her on screen or hear what she says.

strawman you fucking degenerate

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Censored her and turned her into a chink, hard pass.

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Kingdom Hearts and Dissidia already did first but it you didn't give a shit then
>coomer calling others degenerates
>why did Asians devs make an Asian character

OG Tifa > all

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Love her

How did she do it Zig Forums?

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The Final Fantasy 7 remake that just came out.. is that the full game or are they still making it episodic? Haven't heard anything about the game at all except waifus since it launched so I'm not sure.

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Nu-Tifa is a stick. Everytime she's in some intense action, I fear for the integrity of her bones.

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that was the first episode