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Nintendium stopped existing after the Gamecube.
holy shit I'm retarded. For a second I was like "isn't this a home console? Why would you need to charge it?" then remembered the thing's gimmick
>hurr what is a lithium battery
You should also do the same for your power tool batteries.
my vita is still alive with some charge left after I abandoned it for years, yet nintendo with newer technology can't make something better
This is some bullshit.
I haven't charged my old 3ds in 2 years and it still charges
This is generic advice for lithium-ion batteries
Though really once a year is probably fine
i just keep it on the dock permanently
Reminder you should also be plugging in those external hdds at least once per year user. Don't want to lose all those rom backups :)
My Switch is never go anywhere anyway.
Hdds Can sleep for years. Ssds can,'t
Why? Hdds dont use batteries
I've turned my DS Lite on for all of 2 or 3 minutes since the 3DS launched almost 10 years ago and that shit still has a green light.
>the switch battery lasts 6 months
Nintendo can't stop winning
>you should charge it every 6 months
I didn’t charged my 3ds for an uncountable number of years and it still charged
>haven't charged my 3DS in years.
At least it'll be easy enough to swap out the battery should I have to.
>my toaster works so why doesn't my microwave?
>Ninshito Shitch is so irrelevant in terms of games that Shitch owners are leaving it off for months
You CANNOT make this shit up.
It's a handheld that can connect to the TV. The "connect to the TV" bit is the gimmick.
that goes against every single piece of marketing since the reveal. its a console that you can "play anytime anywhere" yes that doesnt often apply to portable consoles thanks for pointing that out
>she doesn't own more than one meaning this is good advice for the others
Casualfags, I swear.
>make products for years that stand the test time and literally never die
>your newest product is plagued with hardware issues, overheating, warping, scratches from normal use, joystick drifting, and now battery problems
>just keep consuming baka gaijin hope you enjoy ports :^)
nah, we used to fucking throw those wii controllers and they all still work
no matter how hard you shitpost, you will never get mh rise or disgaea 6. keep crying, bitch nigga
it feels so fucking weird that disgaea 6 is an exclusive, but 2 and 3 aren't even on switch yet.
If you're going to store a rechargable battery it's best to have it as close to a 50% charge as possible, I believe that minimizes any potential damage from current leakage over time or something. This happens to all batteries, the switch has shitty QC and design issues but this is not one of them.
This problem is exaggerated though by the fact that you can't ever disconnect the battery in a switch and it'll always be draining some power over time in a low standby state waiting to be turned on. If you could disconnect the switch's battery you could just leave it in storage for literal years with no major changes to the battery's state.
More like their metrics show the console is discharged in the drawers of many users
>6 months
Mine died after two months in the drawer. I'll be getting the batter replaced tomorrow, hopefully it will work.
Welp, I could be screwed.
And I still can't be assed to test it or plug it in.
How the fuck do you people have this bad luck? Mine is still alive since the splatoon 2 release and i play the shit 24h docked and undocked.
Is it going to be like bayonetta 2 where we never see it on another system? Or will it be like RE4 where we get it a few months later?
>4h docked and undocked.
That means you charge it constantly, right? That's the thing. You have to charge it constantly or the battery will die.
>newer technology
They sold for $300 a 2015 downgraded android tablet
ITT: Retards with no understanding of lithium-ion batteries.