Attached: ScreenShot5.jpg (1920x1080, 1.22M)
When the textures and LODs are just right
Hunter Nelson
William Collins
Brayden Sullivan
Nicholas Long
Death stranding so much for this feel
Carson Stewart
Wyatt Gray
bethesdas run of excellent games ended because they tried to appease new vegas fanatics by adding new vegas concepts to FO4
too much of a good thing is a bad thing
Ethan Lee
lmao no they doubled down on everything retarded
the new vegas stuff they brought over was superficial crap like ironsights
Chase Garcia
>Fallout 3
Carson Brown
>rdr2 has incredible draw distance in nearly all fronts
>except water, where you can clearly see the cutoff point where it stops being animated
Robert Bennett
>bethesdas run of excellent games ended
in 1996
it's 24 years later, games now cost $100,000,000 to make and have staffs of fucking Project Manhattan, and NOBODY, let alone Bethesda, has even ATTEMPTED to recapture the scope, ambition and freedom of fucking Daggefall - a game made by 25 people in early 90's
Eli Green
Does it run like 6 fps in average? lol
Xavier Edwards
Lincoln Gutierrez
Based, you just caused the Obsidiots to screech again.
Ryan Hernandez
Parker King
Samuel Clark
Jonathan Martin
legit couldn't tell if this was fallout 3 or DS
Liam Cox
hah thanks
That area gives me HR geiger feels. Its DS
James Mitchell
sup Todd
Brandon Gutierrez
Just Cause 2's draw distance looked like magic to me when it came out
Isaac Williams
...but this looks like shit, user.
Charles Miller
water b a tricky bitch, b
Connor Martin
>new vegas concepts to FO4
Grayson Howard
>they tried to appease new vegas fanatics by adding new vegas concepts to FO4
Such as... ? You mean fucking iron sights and weapon mods?
Hunter Jones
>oh I am probably going to be stuck in the trenches for this fight
>no you can actually go over them and make use of your jumping skills
Grayson Hall
daggerfall is just a bunch of copy pasted textures and buildings
Ryan Ramirez
Sea of Thieves has the best seas, I hope they make a sequel with actual story and progression.
Jace Murphy
Todd already said they're never going to remake a game but I'd at least like to see a competent remaster that adds compatibility with modern systems and stuff like LOD improvements to take advantage of modern hardware
Jace Russell
ttw exists so there's no point to a remaster of fo3 except for console babbies
Jose Martinez
This game is fucking gorgeous, too bad it puts me to sleep in 5 minutes flat, whenever I try to play it.
Elijah Jenkins
how? As soon as I lose focus that's when I tend to stumble and fall.
Michael Hughes
It doesn't excite me enough to keep me engaged. And I'm at the stage of life, where sitting in a cozy couch makes me sleepy fast, and standing up too fast can cause an injury.
Isaac Gray
okay zoom zoom
Sebastian Howard
This is bait, but I'll bite. Fallout 3, while atmospherically very good, was shallow as fuck. The role playing aspects were almost non existent and it barley has any side quests to flesh out the expansive world, the two "cities" are empty as fuck with no meaningful interaction with any NPC characters whatsoever. New Vegas is flawed, but is is an infinity superior RPG to 3. Also, 4 is so fucking bad, it is not even worth mentioning, Fallout 76 is unironically a superior Fallout title to 4.
Jacob Wood
Honestly Fallout 3 without green filter and with HD textures still looks good today.
Jonathan Williams
Novigrad is the best fantasy city of all time. I challenge any user to post a game with a superior city.