I can't believe this is actually a f2p game, the production quality is so fucking high

I can't believe this is actually a f2p game, the production quality is so fucking high

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Go away chink Chinese spyware shill

Warframe is a better f2p game

Rent free much?
Warframe is like an entirely different game, I don't think it's even open world

How much are Nintendo paying you to bad-talk the BotW killer?


This looks like promotional material but it's actually in-game screenshots. See that mountain? You can actually climb it.

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Can you people fuck off? You're pathetically obsessed

there is a reason why its f2p you moron, its typical chink game design.
>make online game/f2p mmo
>copy whats popular and improve on it a lot (this is the bait btw, they get you addicted to the game because its actually good)
>do a 180 and absolutely buttfuck it with waifu cash shop shit and stamina
>turn $60 customers into $200 customers
>make a fuck ton of money off retards who are willing to spend $30+ on a costume for their waifu
>gg ez

they basically have perfected disguising video games as a casino. why do you think most korean mmos are f2p? they all follow this exact formula. black desert online. dragon nest. vindictus. great games on the surface, but then you dig deep and realize its the same old shit, PvP end game, cash shop costumes, enhancement systems, and PvE content only exists so people can grind.

It is actually pretty decent, the China area has some nicely varied landscapes and it's pretty fun to climb the really tall mountains. Hoping that the other areas will follow suit and it's not detailed only because it's their motherland.

It’s BotW but with actual content and not stuck on children’s hardware

Yes but I'm thinking Taiwan is pretty NUMBER ONE tho.


>I can't believe this is actually a f2p game, the production quality is so fucking high
Have you never seen a freemium game in your life?

>>do a 180 and absolutely buttfuck it with waifu cash shop shit and stamina
The only stamina bullshit is the resin and I'm not even near the point where it matters yet.

Okay, it doesn’t, but okay
>BotW killer
Yeah, it’s as much of a BotW killer as crash was mario’s killer

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A lot of korean f2p MMOs that I've played have nowhere near the same quality and polish of this game, I'll be honest with you.
Personally? I don't care, I'm not a gacha fag and I haven't put a single dime into this game and I won't. I've been playing non-stop since it came out and I'm thoroughly enjoying the story, exploration, puzzles, side-quests, and anything that is unrelated to gacha elements. I don't care about gacha, and I'll probably be doing a few rolls here and there when I get enough free currency, but I don't see how any of that is going to make this game less fun to me.
If they add story-based barriers to progression I'll simply stop playing and move on to other games.
So far I've had about 60-70 hours into this game (in the past ~5 days) and I've already gotten more than my fair share of playtime out of a high quality free to play game. I'll be disappointed if they fuck me over and don't let me proceed but until then this game is a fucking steal.

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>this is the bait btw, they get you addicted to the game because its actually good
egads, what a bunch of monsters

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>in a singleplayer game
you'd have to be a literal cuckold

Why is the combat so fucking bad

You don't have to partake

You would think, by now, people wouldn't give a damn of the posts talking shit about their precious gacha chink game. And yet, they're still oddly defensive about it. I wonder why

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not even gonna bother giving a (You)

>generic weebshit art style

This is one horrible combination.

When does it get fun?

and yet the game is actually good, funny how it works in reality

I honestly believe all the haters calling the game nothing more than a inferior botw clone, are falseflagging and don't actually care about botw. I did every sidequest, maxed out my inventory and grinded for the best weapons in botw and I don't hate genshin at all. There are definitely similarities like the art style and exploring, but it adds enough stuff of its own that add to the game quality.

Praise for this game reads like an infomercial.
"It's good, trust me, try it, I'm like you and I enjoy it!"
Never any details. Never actually talk about the game. Just "it's good".

Thought BotW was meh at best and this is somehow worse in just about every way.

all f2p games are bad

Me and you bro. I loved BOTW but after clearing everything in it all I had left was hope for more. And this game is exactly that. There's no doubt that a huge portion and mechanics are literally copied from BOTW (climbing, shrines, mats/cooking, exploration style, etc) but honestly it doesn't matter. It's a fantastic game and it's scratching that itch in an even better way than BOTW did when it came out.

Is that even an achievement?

What do you want to know? I just want to talk about this game, the /vg/ thread is full of retards circlejerking over waifus and gacha, I just want to talk about the cool lore and shit in this game.
>tfw every single NPC has their own backstory and troubles and you can converse with them and actually get items from it instead of canned responses
>sometimes they even start quest chains that aren't clearly marked in the game map so you actually have incentives to talk to everyone and discover the lore of the game
>multiple books and stuff, quest that aren't just go to point A and then to point B and have you actually think and solve riddles
I can't recall the last time I had this feeling of "I gotta talk to everyone" and not just quest-marked NPCs in a while.

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same with underail threads and that communist game. I have read through a bunch of threads of them and never see any screenshots or details

Chinese free to play. Yuck.

Reminder that Amber is for bullying

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add open world too

>thread literally with screenshots
>never see any screenshots

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>I just want to talk about the cool lore and shit in this game.
No such thing
>the /vg/ thread is full of retards circlejerking over waifus and gacha
That's the only raison d'être of this embarassment

You're in denial

>No such thing
Have you even played the game? How can you say there's no such thing as lore where the game is full of books you can read and talk about the entire worldbuilding and backstory of all the characters/gods. Or do you just parrot random shit that you heard from somewhere else out of a blind hatred for a game you haven't even tried? Do you get paid to shit on it or what?

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Switchlets shoving their heads in the sand claiming NO ONE POSTS ANY DETAILS doesn't really count. I haven't even checked many threads since I gave up on this game after about 3 hours but I can pretty much guarantee that it's been dissected already. You just don't want to know.