looks like RE kino is back on the menu boys!

Attached: cc16iybxhqk51.jpg (639x385, 75.43K)

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Only 6 months this time! Good for you piratebros!

>I must cooonsume instantly
>take my money big corporation

seethe some more paypig, I will be enjoying my vidya with the latest patch no bugs, free of charge 1080p silky smooth 60fps WITH nude mods

I wasn't going to play it anyway.

april feels like an eternity ago

Wasn't this outsourced and was shit?

Today I will remind them.

Attached: KNEEL.jpg (460x215, 35.49K)

>pirating has devolved into waiting for denuvo licenses to run out

Pathetic and sad

almost time bros, and just in time for the weekend, time to fap and to play vidya

Attached: 01231.jpg (1560x148, 61.38K)

reminder that scenefags get paid by DENUVO not to crack these games for a certain amount of time

Haven't even played RE2R yet. Can't stand these modern RE games.

RE4 is still the best, followed by REmake.

they took an already VERY short game and made it even shorter, with less replayability than the original. it's objectively shit

goddamn you bastard, teasing us with the handball kino GOTD

I bet the game isn't even good, r-r-igh bros...?

>Capcom removes DRM
>shitty site says that it's cracked

Typical poorfags. Late to the table as always.

Actual kino

Got to the table nonetheless.

and here we go

Attached: 140-1587074591-1245947796.png (1556x875, 816.38K)

ain't much of a meal to be honest, but at least it's free :)

Honestly, who cares, RE3 is garbage anyways.

yeah, but it's more of a victory in a sense that denuvo can be beat in the end

Nice. cute mods when?

Denuvo protection was removed today. That's why it's cracked now.

most mods you can get on the nexus, and I can confirm all of them work with this version of the game

Is this even worth playing though?

I am not playing washed out remakes, my senpai
I am #TeamMichael

yeah, probably capcom didn't want to pay another 6 or 12 months of licensing

it's just a waiting game at this point for all games that have it

Thanks for betatesting buyfags

Attached: 1601416869054.webm (540x960, 2.51M)

The Re2 funny mods had a paywall though.

worth a pirate for sure, I loved RE2Remake but this falls flat compared to that

is that indian joker?

kys poorfag subhuman.imagine living in 2020 and not wiping your ass with 60 bucks lmao.

Where is it? Still not on nblog.

>tfw you have literally checked the crack status of this game every single day since release

pajeets take tiktok cringe to the next level

I have a bidet that shoots paypig tears.

No, it's more like:
>it's available now and I want it now so it makes sense that I will get it now.
>here's some chump change i got for a few hours of easy labour

But I guess you're used to living with hand-me-downs. Runt of the litter and all that.

We already decided 6 months ago it was shit were where you?

seethe some more bud, I bet I have a stronger pc than you lmao

your time has cum user

>consoomer logic


Capcom removed Denuvo, that's fucking why

>blacked porn video
lmao, why are pirates faggots?

is that also budget chink components too, poorshitter? lmao, kys already

fucking 2020 when publishers have to "crack" games for you lmaoooooooooooo piracy is in it's death throes

>Capcom removed Denuvo, that's fucking why

there was actually something odd going on here. Capcom had the game on a 50% sale 2 weeks ago, the sale ended at the same time Empress announced their intent to crack the game. Not even 2 days later it was right back on sale with a 50% discount again.

It's quite possible Capcom had been given proof it had been cracked and put it on panic sale before release, because you don't just randomly stop a sale for 2 days and suddeny start it again.

the removal of Denuvo at that point would be because it was no longer any use.