Crash 4 is a better game than Mario 64, Sunshine and Galaxy COMBINED.
Crash 4 is a better game than Mario 64, Sunshine and Galaxy COMBINED
>85 for an """"" iconic"""" mascot platformer.
try 86. btfo. oh no no no no.
Yet you don't mention the even more iconic platformer with an even lower score. Retard.
The 82 is proabably due to all stars being really lazy. They couldn't even be bothered updating the graphics or including scrapped levels as a bonus, both of which n sane trilogy did.
So we can confirm the Sony bonus exists.
It's on the XB1 as well isn't it?
>both of which n sane trilogy did.
N. Sane only remakes the graphics and physics user.
Yeah but that version currently only has three reviews which supports it.
>85 without the Nintendo platformer bonus
True metacritic is 95
>85 without the Nintendo bonus
holy fuck it's kino
Who the fuck plays on fucking xbox
>Mario Allstars still demolishes it in sales and revenue
BAsed. Sega is BAAACK baby
The Nintendo bonus is a nostalgia reduction user.
But Mario 64 has 94
Sunshine has 92
and Galaxy has 97
please don't lie online OP
Yeah it's got the Sony bonus instead.
>Sony wins in sales of games
>”N-No you can’t brag about that! You got to look at the scores on Metacritic”
>Sony wins in review scores
>”N-no Sony lost because our game is selling like gangbusters”
Your shitty failed mascot is about to have its game completely overshadowed in a couple of minutes by a smash presentation.
Enjoy not being able to talk about this game.
Crash is not a Sony character, retard.
>Zig Forums is one person
>people recognize Crash as a multiplat mascot now
the absolute state of Ninteniggers
You know we can tell when you're setting up your own shitposting, right?
>implying the new character isn't crash
Well this didn't age well
user, you're literally the only one even associating it with Sony.
>new good
>old bad
>please give me the shitty camera and controls
Crash is an Anglo game and this always means inflated scores. If the developers were Slavs, Meds, Asians or South Americans metascore would be around 70.
it woulda been based if I was right though, you gotta admit
>Crash is an Anglo game and this always means inflated scores
nintendie talking about inflated scores lmao
>Still not enough to get in Smash
after the smash community got outed as pedos I am fairly certain it's a good thing your IP is not in the game
stupid tranny don't reply to me