I love video games

I love video games.

Then I lost my virginity.

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False, on both accounts.

You'll eventually get bored with sex and come back to videogames.

Actually same desu. I was obsessed with video games until I was 24 and finally had sex and a gf. Completely lost interest in playing games since then and I'm 30 now. Games just seem so boring and pointless. I'd much rather constantly have sex if possible.

The deadlines were tight, TOO tight

i still love video games

pfffthahahaha the thumbnail makes it look like the thing is wearing the hat, that's epic :)

Her shoes are obviously too small

your 40th birthday must have been a hoot, shame you can't afford video games now that you have to scrimp and save to afford a hooker every now and then

Wew lad

Post more Vault Girl

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then why are you here>

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Fpbp once again

i will never lose my virginity holy shit


Because I have no gf right now.

That’s the stuff

Lol have had sex with THREEwhole womenz here. Sex is over rated just do drugs

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This. I have sex available to me all the time and playing ghost hunters with the bros is better than 1000 blowjobs

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>just do drugs
cant. I work in BioPharma industry and get spot check drug tests randomly.

why is this unironically the most insightful thing stonetoss has ever made

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Surprisinngly it was the opposite for me.
Years depressed because no sex, then lost my virginity at 21 and fucked women everywhere for a year and a half, and for the last years I pretty much stopped caring about women and instead hang out with friends, draw or play vidya more frequently.
But the real reason is that women are p fucking boring and uninteresting. If I have to spend my life with someine, it better be one that challenges me and makes me want to be a better person, not someone qith a checklist of things I should do or a bland entity that goes with the flow with no personal drive.

because it's a copy of an older cartoon/comic

I lost my virginity and stopped playing games, and then she left me and I didn’t feel motivated to play video games anymore, then I turned into a NEET and started playing video games again.

It's funny how much the shitty colletor's edition Pipboy stands out compared with the rest of the costume.

literally me

Well the first girl I fucked was fairly driven to succeed in life. She was studying to be a pharmacist so she wasnt some random idiot. I felt kinda dumb around her though as she would always be watching chemistry videos and I was studying a Business degree and never had a head for science stuff so any time she tried to explain science shit to me I wouldnt get it.

I don't agree with the spoiler bit, I've met plenty of women who are really interesting to talk to. Though if you're picking up girls in bars/clubs then yeah you're going to find a bunch of vapid chicks.
Sex is kinda overrated. It feels good and everyone should try it at least once but it's too much work for like an hour of pee pee feel good. I'd much rather just chill and play vidya with friends.


yeah, the gun and the vault suit look much better quality. bethesda is selling junk

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Because certain specific bits are 100% true.

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>tfw cant have sex as dick stopped working 3 months ago and doctors dont know what to do as viagra doesnt help

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Time to become a trap, user.