Boy I sure do love modding video games!

Boy I sure do love modding video games!
and I definitely love how the most popular modding site most certainly isn't full of hypocritical cunts who endorse violence and racism!

Attached: WzoqA2vi.png (400x400, 17.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

kill yourself
All political mods are banned following a wave of maga flag mods in fallout 4

Attached: 1595622164688.png (1095x770, 120.1K)

MAGAniggers make your own mod site


i dont give a shit about internet strangers being racist.
fuck niggers and fuck YOU.

Attached: 1595770929621.jpg (976x850, 57.91K)

>Yet they don't ban the racist mod that started it all

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to think I donated to these fucks

This is against the rules, you should delete this post right now.

Reported for saying the N word have fun bud :^)