GTA IV is a better, cruder, more realistic game than GTA V
GTA IV is a better, cruder, more realistic game than GTA V
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yes yes, everyone wanted "realistic" gta. they just wanted to use ragdolls 5 years after those went out of fashion. also the "realistic" driving physics suck ass.
It's not a better game
Nah, good game but weakest gta
>but weakest gta
That's GTA VC.
Can't wait to replay it at stunning 60 FPS on the Xbox SEX.
GTA IV is the better ripoff of the Sopranos, yes
Complete shit taste.
gta iv would have been a masterpiece if it wasn't for games for windows preventing the game from running. Only way to play it is if you have a ps3 or 360. It would probably take rockstar like 5 seconds to patch the game to remove it but they're too busy making garbage remasters and shilling micro transactions to children on gta 5