Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact
Did you roll for Venti yet?

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Old thread just got JANNY'd. let's start where we left off
>Geo sucks
>Noelle isn't great

Is there any other use for masterless stardust and starglitter or should I just exchange for gacha coupons?

why does china live rent free in muttish heads

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>Noelle sucks
fuck you


They're just coping, if you ask me, this is a good sign

Do I need to
Boys are yucky

years of propaganda

Serious question, why don't you guys use the mobile game board? I don't mind seeing this game here but you obviously get shitposters every single thread, why are you even putting up with it?

Very based

she does though, rather have chinese loli chef over her

Got him today, just need 1 more 5* and I'll have a full team of 5*s without spending a dime.

This game is near unplayable on mobile


it's a pc game

BASED earlyposter

No no I know that, that's why I don't mind seeing this game here myself, I'm just curious as to why you join threads here when It's just people making fun of you all the time

I don’t have the patience to reroll like an autist so no
I’m fact I still haven’t used the gacha at all, I don’t know which banner I should be pointlessly wasting my shit

These threads are getting pruned on sight. Lol at the chink shills going so hard even the mods are tired of it.

does this game have any cute midriff girls like in op's picture?

good sign to nuke china once and for all

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idk user, maybe because Zig Forums should be for vidya, and not shitposting. im not disagreeing with you, but it should be easier to post here and discuss the game casually without having to go to a more autistic board like /vmg/. this site fucking sucks.

BASED my proud patriots


God save the united states of america, the best country in the world, not brainwashed, better than ch***

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>kneeling to ABIB and 99 /vpol/ threads
>in Zig Forums
This is Zig Forums not /vpol/ twitter eceleb screencap nintento general board no matter what ABIB tells you. Making constant thread is only way to fight trannies and /vpol/. That's how XIVfags able to make threads in Zig Forums despite janny nuking them. And yeah no one plays on mobile.

This makes the amerimutt seethe

If anything it would be better to post on /vrpg/

I'll keep rerolling until I got Mona or Fischl.

Have you not gotten to Liyue? She shreds through Geo-type enemies. They're a fucking slog without her.

I don't want to talk about the game, I just like seeing Zig Forumstards seethe when I alt tab
If I have a question or want to talk about the game I go on /vg/

Alright, that's actually fair.


>why is the country that ruined the entire year living rent free in muttish heads
gee i wonder why

trying to clean up Mondstadt's missions first, but I have used her in Liyue. she only seems practical in Liyue and on Geo types. her DPS isn't anything spectacular.

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That’s a man


No, I'm not gay

Yep also fapped to those porn images of him.

>That bulge


How gacha is this game and can I still have fun without paying money

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You think anybody cares about burger mutts seething about game they were told to hate by their media? Same argument over and over again, only a retard would take them seriously.

Also it's kinda funny seeing them seethe more and more when nobody replies to them.


Kinda based desu

Is Venti better than MC?

I got filtered by the storm dragon boss. that damn cyclone he summons when he lands will fuck you up.

I'm on my 11th account and have yet to see a 5*. I just want to play the game, holy fuck.

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no, but her shields are great for getting free damage in on other characters

>They think they jave any power against the Mods
Lol Your time came and they gave you what you wanted. The Zig Forumsirgins made their case with the game as well as the Mods with how they intendo to ise Zig Forums as a containment for shitposting, so you'd better stop crying when you have 2 other boards, shitpost and cancer free, interested in discussing this trash.

Then stop being autistic and play it?

imagine being this guy. couldn't be me. some of you are addicted to the whole rerolling process. fuck that autism

Just move to the side lol


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>stop being autistic
I wish I could.

so play it you faggot gachanigger

Wait, I thought the Chinese were against homos. How the fuck is this allowed?

So when are they letting me change keybinds


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