Look at him

He didn’t want this

Attached: F3A990E9-8E38-4FF4-96FE-779C1B0C0AAD.jpg (1024x575, 63.25K)

Nah, he just knew it's the type of reveal that would shock everyone

He's literally blogged about how much he plays Minecraft before. The attention to the moveset is immaculate. Keep coping dude.

To be fair, he looked like he wanted to die during the trailer.

>Ooooooh Matsu-pyooooon~ you rook real comfii taking rong break from Sumasshu
>Ooooooh Matsu-pyooooon~ you must have heard of Mikkurusofuttu’s Minukurafuttu
>I need u to curunchuu~ for anossa few months to rerease our ratest Sumasshu character
>Do not disappoint Matsu-pyon~ you remember what happened rast time

Attached: 8AE18FB3-41A9-4F4B-9A80-21071E27715F.jpg (800x400, 95.07K)

its a direct translation. every other character has flair but this looks like he just watched a few gameplay videos and hobbled together a moveset. steve is by far the lowest effort third party so far, even fucking sonic has more work put in

You're out of your fucking mind. It takes much more work to faithfully translate Steve into the game as he is than use some cartoonized fan concept art.

Is Sakurai sick or something???

Didn't Iwata look like this back in fall 2014???

Don't die Sakurai

Are you saying this because they didn't animate him with retarded bendy limbs like fan shit does?

How are you supposed to do Steve better than this?

Attached: smash reveal.png (1600x888, 1.13M)