SH4 coming to PC

>SH4 coming to PC

Thanks for beta testing, nerds.

Attached: 1575062401722.png (886x496, 167.16K)

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this was on pc 16 years ago

which, as we all know, is the only video game available for the PS4 entertainment system

I was on your mom 16 hours ago.

>The worst one
>the game that didn’t even start out as a silent hill game

Y-your welcome

It was already on PC.

If they release SH2, 3 and 4 on GOG with fan patches preapplied, I will be satisfied.
You shouldn't need to follow a massive jpeg to get the games running, even though it's not hard

you are welcome, hope it was worth the wait

>the worst classic era Silent Hill game's shitty early 2000s PC port is being resold by Konami
Absolutely based

>>the game that didn’t even start out as a silent hill game
found the dumb tertiary that doesn't know shit about the series.

That one's shit dumbass

>worst one
>when homecoming and onwards exist
shittest of tastes

>Like MGS
So, the original SH4 pc port with all related problems and without patches?

>67/100 in 2004
Yikes enjoy

games used to be graded harsher.
Silent Hill 2 only has like 82 on metacritic iirc

It's the same 2004 PC port, you braindead mongloid.

>You shouldn't need to follow a massive jpeg to get the games running
It takes a massive jpeg to explain to fucking dumb brainlets how to install a game without Steam and to install one (1) fanpatch

as usual, cope

But I already played it on PC. I probably still have the playstation disc somewhere too.

Uhh, why not any of the good ones?
muh "lost source code" BS?

still, I'd definitely take a gog installer over it.
I mean you have to use regedit to play the games if you reinstall windows, they're more of a hassle versus "it just werks".

who cares, at that point just keep emulating them

give that shit to Bluepoint already, you fools

>muh "lost source code" BS?
How the fuck do you lose the source code of a multi million dollar project?

nostalgia didn't exist in Japan
nothing was saved
zero business forethought

Restless Dreams is already on PC. That's how I played it ~20 years ago. Maybe you could just patch and rerelease that?

are the MGS HD versions Bluepoint's remasters?


I think so?

dumb cuck.

>trusting bluepoint after demon souls

DeS is a remake, not a remaster or a port.

they used to rate games like movies back then, way more objectively.
Now the standard is that anything below 90 journo average = garbage game.

Doesn't mean the practices the company has done for the game aren't shit, remake or not.

it wasn't about nostalgia, it was Japanese companies being literally afraid of their competition stealing their shit.
Whenever a project was completed, the data storage was destroyed physically.
So yeah, Team Silent made their own engine for their games only to have it all literally destroyed.

>bitching about a game that hasn't come out

pff, only the execs wanted that

>it wasn't about nostalgia
I didn't say it was?
Learn to read.

>coming to PC
it's been on PC since 2004.

it's FAR from being the worst one, and it was ALWAYS going to be a SH game.

>I mean you have to use regedit to play the games if you reinstall windows,
the fuck are you babbling about??

Attached: sh4 widescreen PC 1080.jpg (1920x1080, 609.18K)

>the fuck are you babbling about??
a lot of games installed on a PC will not launch if you reinstall windows without reinstalling the games because they make entries in the registry.
This isn't really a thing anymore with steam and GOG, but on older games if you don't want to keep the installer always at the ready you need to make regedits to make the games run.

>a lot of games installed on a PC will not launch if you reinstall windows without reinstalling the games because they make entries in the registry.
Well duh! Is this news to some people?
And are the same folk so lazy that they cannot spend 2 minutes running and installer + unpacking a ZIP file on top?

I don't want to store installers for all my games ontop of the games themselves.
I run a regedit for the games that need it.