

Attached: gang.png (349x380, 335.68K)

That is sam fisher

Attached: 1601316120669.png (769x724, 685.71K)

Frank's sentence has plausible capitalisation, assuming his gang is named My Gang. The other guy is just capitalising every word like some sort of chimp.

Frank is probably the better option, Charles is a simp

Attached: 1601322541355.png (893x702, 379.33K)

With this render Frank's case is getting even stronger, he at least has the shame to have his copy pasted goon hide mostly out of sight, where's Charles is just there with the same guy twice blatantly.

Yeah dude, some people talk like that. You've never heard anyone talk with all words capitalized?

Attached: 1601266223793.png (769x724, 1.19M)

You wanted to post this, right?

Attached: 1601330251048.png (769x724, 687.59K)

an army of clones
one man army

Explain this Charlesfags

Attached: 1574956401353.webm (720x720, 558.45K)

Glad someone else actually played Double Agent. God that fucking game undid everything good about Chaos Theory.

Holy shit why would Buck from Far Cry 3 do that to Charles?

Attached: ENTER CHARLES.webm (1920x1080, 2.06M)

>he's not losing levels as the money flies out of the bag
wtf that's NOT how mafia works

does this game even exist


It's a generic ordeal where you build your base and then fight other bases on the campaign map, this shit's been a browser game staple before proliferating onto the mobile scene.
Except this time it's not about vikings and ancient greeks or whatever, but about mafia.

They did a collab with Yakuza.

>Lambert, you put me in the wrong prison.

>landing gear is down

Nngooooooh delete this now!! Charleschads what're gonna do?

How can young, teenage brats even compete bros...

Attached: 1600393540498.webm (360x360, 2.94M)

holy shit based

>what if france was anime

More like cringerino, yikes...

Attached: 9.png (1127x1600, 553.5K)


What was the name of that one short manga where an office lady dressed like a high school student and ended up dating a high school boy?
The big thing is it started out as an accident since the girl was dressed up by her friend while drunk and she was late for work so she had to rush out the door and didn't realize she was still in her high school uniform.

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